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Old 10-27-2003   #1
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How the rich kids live


HBO documentary looks at the lives of those 'Born Rich'
Monday, October 27, 2003 Posted: 11:05 AM EST (1605 GMT)

LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Champagne overflows glasses. Guests glide around wearing vintage 1920s attire -- handsome men in top hats, beautiful women in flapper dresses. Laughter mixes with the sound of Glenn Miller's "In the Mood."

It's Jamie Johnson's 21st birthday party and a regular ol' beer bash simply won't do.

At midnight, the heir to the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical fortune receives the ultimate gift: inheriting more money than most people can spend in a lifetime.

Johnson examines the travails and good times that result from wealth and privilege among 10 young adults in the HBO documentary "Born Rich," airing Monday at 10 p.m. EDT.

"When people talk about money, they are nervous that that calls into question their right to have the money and the wealth that they possess," he said.

Some of Johnson's interview subjects are his close pals, including high school classmate S.I. Newhouse IV, heir to the Conde Nast publishing empire; Ivanka Trump, daughter of real estate developer Donald Trump; and Luke Weil, heir to the Autotote gaming empire.

"I felt very comfortable talking to him, which is good and bad because you let down your guard a little bit more than if I was talking to basically anyone else," Trump said.

Still, it wasn't easy convincing the rich and, in some cases, famous kids to talk about a subject that's so gauche. Johnson was turned down by heirs to the Rockefeller and Campbell Soup fortunes. And his own father questions why Johnson wants to pry into wealthy people's lives.

"He always told me from a very early age, don't talk about money, deny being wealthy if people ask you," Johnson said. "He was seriously against it and really discouraged me from doing it. It actually encouraged me and I thought this film needs to be made."

'It's something you don't like to think about'

Johnson gets his fellow rich kids to open up about what he calls the "voodoo of inherited wealth." Having millions and billions affects everything from their dating lives (several agree a prenuptial agreement is essential) to who their friends are to what they plan to do with their lives since none of them ever has to work.

He wonders how they'd react to getting cut off from their inheritances.

"It's something you don't like to think about," Weil said.

Georgina Bloomberg, daughter of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, admits having her last name stinks because people don't always see the person behind the name. Josiah Hornblower, heir to the Vanderbilt and Whitney fortunes, stands outside New York's Whitney Museum and asks, "Don't you have a family museum?"

At least Stephanie Ercklentz, daughter of New York City socialites, tried a career as a New York investment banker. It ended, though, because the job required "too many hours." The admitted shopaholic, who is shown espousing the virtues of designer handbags, wanted to be off by 7 p.m. to socialize with friends.

Cody Franchetti, an heir to the Milliken textile fortune in Italy, believes guilt about having money is "absolutely senseless." Franchetti works as a model, a gig some of his family looks down on.

Some of the kids talk freely about their drinking and drug use.

Weil is downright arrogant, bragging how he taunted poorer peers by saying, "My family could buy yours." Later, he slams the Hamptons nightlife as being "as despicable as it gets."

Weil later turned on Johnson, suing him for defaming his character in the documentary. A judge later tossed out the lawsuit and Johnson says, "Everyone tells me getting sued for the first time is a serious rite of passage."

Juliet Hartford, whose uncles started the A&P grocery chain, jokes about giving all her money to the homeless. ("No, I'm kidding," she adds.)

Trying to avoid mistakes

Not all of his subjects are shameless partiers who frivolously while away their time. Hornblower left college for two years to work as a machinist in the Texas oil fields, an experience that taught him "working hard makes me feel good."

Newhouse explains how his family warned him that if didn't work or put his time in he wouldn't get anything.

Johnson, now 23, spent three years working on his first film, which he produced and directed. It caught the attention of HBO executives at this year's Sundance Film Festival.

His motivation for making the film was personal. He recalled stories of family members who were young, healthy and seemingly had everything going for them, yet they lived unhappy and sometimes tragic lives.

"I really want to avoid that," Johnson said. "I want to figure out why it happens to people."

Johnson's grandfather married a third time late in life to the family's maid. Scandal ensued and Johnson remembered his intensely private father cringed at the ongoing headlines in The New York Times.

"My grandfather made some serious mistakes," Johnson said. "He was born rich and I really didn't want to be in the same situation that he found himself in at the end of his life."
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Old 10-27-2003   #2
Mike AI
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Americans have a need to feel superior to people.... these rich kids may have more money, but these shows are about people laughing at them.

Who would do a TV that makes them look stupid?

I do not understand why Jessica Simpson wanted her own show, she is just so stupid, she has to know this. It is one thing to be stupid, but broadcasting it the the world.... it is crazy.

Make big money on your Domains! Why wait 40 days to get paid with the other guys? Parked.com pays the most for your traffic, and cuts checks twice a month!
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Old 10-27-2003   #3
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Rich Girls on MTV starts tomorrow night.

Nothing wrong with being born rich, thanks dad! He even lets me live in his house!

Jessica Simpson will be giving a benefit concert here wed. night, where she went to high school. I am hoping Laura will snag me some front row seats!
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Old 10-27-2003   #4
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Originally posted by Mike AI@Oct 27 2003, 05:29 PM
Who would do a TV that makes them look stupid?

I do not understand why Jessica Simpson wanted her own show, she is just so stupid, she has to know this. It is one thing to be stupid, but broadcasting it the the world.... it is crazy.
You are so right about Jessica Simpson. She is so stupid, and I don't understand why she would want to expose it to the rest of the world.

I had the unfortunate incidence of watching an episode of her reality show this weekend, and they were eating at a restaurant with some friends. The waiter brought an order of buffalo wings, and her friends offered her one. She said, "no thanks, I don't eat buffalo."

Watching the rest of the show was extremely painful.

Last edited by girlgeek at Oct 27 2003, 05:44 PM
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Old 10-27-2003   #5
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I watched the Anna Nicole show once, out of curiosity.
I couldn't even finish it out. That was definitely painful to watch.

Rich kids, poor kids... they've all got problems. Money doesn't solve it.
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Old 10-27-2003   #6
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the only thing money does is make it easier to buy things.
Quickbuck is paying $100 Per trial join.
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Old 10-27-2003   #7
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Jessica was joking about the Buffalo wings. Just because she acts dumb doesn't make her dumb. Jessica and Anna Nicole are earning big bucks which allows them to live a good life. You won't see them moving to hot dry Nevada to save a few bucks.

I personally know many rich kids who are not spoiled brats. Viva da rich ones who use their time giving back to society.
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Old 10-27-2003   #8
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 27 2003, 05:57 PM
Jessica was joking about the Buffalo wings. Just because she acts dumb doesn't make her dumb. Jessica and Anna Nicole are earning big bucks which allows them to live a good life. You won't see them moving to hot dry Nevada to save a few bucks.

I personally know many rich kids who are not spoiled brats. Viva da rich ones who use their time giving back to society.
That's why her husband had to explain the term "buffalo wings" to her afterwards, right?

There you go attacking me again. You are the one who is always complaining about people following you around in threads, but isn't this the pot calling the kettle black? My God woman, is your life so empty and unfulfilling that you have nothing better to do but attack people you don't even know? Why don't you adopt one of those pets to keep you company?

We did not move to Nevada to save money, you idiot. We moved here to be closer to family. Also, I hate LA with its smog, traffic and crime.
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Old 10-27-2003   #9
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Confucy I don't begrudge Anna her money or her comfortable life. More power to her.
I just don't see why she's on tv. The show isn't interesting at all, and watching it makes you truly feel sorry for her. It's like she has the mentality of a 10 yr old.
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Old 10-27-2003   #10
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Originally posted by girlgeek@Oct 27 2003, 09:06 PM
Also, I hate LA with its smog, traffic and crime.
Not to mention close-by out-of-control wildfires!
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I recommend Sex Creator - they absolutely ROCK.
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Old 10-27-2003   #11
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How many times do I have to say it

Money changes everything
Money, money changes everything
We think we know what we're doin'
That don't mean a thing
It's all in the past now
Money changes everything

They shake your hand and they smile
And they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends
We'll stick with you till the end
Ah but everybody's only
Looking out for themselves
And you say well who can you trust
I'll tell you it's just Nobody
else's money -

Money changes everything
Money changes everything
We think we know what we're doin
We don't pull the strings
It's all in the past now
Money changes everything

Pssst Click the Button Above

I once wanted to be a Gynecologist
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Old 10-27-2003   #12
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girlgeek, what is your problem? I have relatives in Nevada. One of my best friends lives in Reno. They all hate the hot dry air. Both Anna Nicole and Jessica said that they were glad they had enough money to live where they wanted to live. I use to work in Las Vegas. I disliked living there. I only like Las Vegas when I can visit shows, go to an event, and immediately return.

Someone sent me a statement you made on your blog where you said you were moving to Las Vegas because you and BF couldn't find anything you could afford in Los Angeles. Is that what you are referencing? There is nothing wrong with living in SIN CITY, USA - LAS VEGAS!

PLEASE...stop being so sensitive. Oprano doesn't revolve around your insecurities. The difference between us is that I have a sense of humor! I was joking about the threads. I was out to set an Oprano record for the longest threads. I accomplished my goal. Now, I can relax and go to those threads which are covering a topic that interests me. Sorry, but I didn't notice your name on this thread until after I was in it.

Have a nice evening and be grateful you aren't in the valley where the fires are raging.

Oh, Jessica's hubby was part of the buffalo farce. They were joking around. If you watched them regularly, you would understand. But then you have more important things to do like packing BF's bags for his next trip.
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Old 10-27-2003   #13
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just watched it
wasnt that interesting
other than seeing Ivanka Trump, she's pretty cute and smart girl

Do you like Wine ?

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...
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Old 10-27-2003   #14
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 27 2003, 08:57 PM
I personally know many rich kids who are not spoiled brats. Viva da rich ones who use their time giving back to society.
imaginary friends dont count.

Do you like Wine ?

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...
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Old 10-27-2003   #15
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You're stoned if you think anyone here believes that you didn't notice that my name was on that post, and that you weren't purposely taking a swipe at me. The only threads you posted in today were mine and Carrie's, and I've seen you go to work on her. You got the blog entry wrong or taken out of context, but it really doesn't matter. That probably came from them having to be mailed to you, since you can't get to the blog yourself.

On the off chance that you're actually telling the truth for once, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Funny, I couldn't find anything that said LPPI went to court and won their suit with PayPal, which must mean there was an out-of-court settlement. Aren't those things supposed to be top secret and not disclosed to the public by people employed by LPPI or PayPal? Maybe I should send that thread to Lew and ask him about the terms of the settlement, now that it's OK for you to publicly announce it, as one of his employees. Or maybe I could pass the story onto one of my friends at Wired or TechTV and have them call Paypal's lawyers? Don't worry, I'll be sure to tell them that you were the one to give them the scoop. Can I give them your number for a quote?

You're right though, I do have more important things to do. I have to get ready for my trip to Portugal in a few weeks.

My God, I'm starting to sound like Serge. Maybe hanging around here wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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Old 10-27-2003   #16
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girlgeek, for the life of me, I thought you said in your blog that LPPI beat the shit out of PayPal. Sorry, your blog is open to the public. I read it every day with my morning tea.

On your blog, you can control what is said and censor every little comment you don't like. Geeky, do you know where you are? This is a pornboard. People come here to be crazy & have fun and to do business. You are not here to have fun. You are here to harass me. You aren't here to do porn business. You are here to spy for your BF.

I am nobody's employee. I am independently wealthy. How else would I have been able to take collect phonecalls every day and drive all those Jaguars!

What is that you drive, Miss Darci? An old SUV? I think you are the employee. How much is the BF paying you for your services?

I think you deserve at least $3,000 a month like "Fight The Patent" wants for his work in fighting Acacia. After all, you are doing a much more important job. You are fighting CONFUCY!
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Old 10-27-2003   #17
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Hardly a worthy opponent, but you haven't figured that out yet.

Lew's name is all over your domain name and your lawyer's. I have an e-mail here that shows your mail coming from Lew's servers, and your Verizon IP address. However, unlike the things you accuse me of, I did not post the letter you sent me.

Caught you in another lie. Would you like me to post my raw logs grepped for your IP here, so everyone can see all the desperate attempts to get through, just to be greeted with a big, fat 403: FORBIDDEN error? What are the rules on posting IPs? I know for a fact that you haven't seen it in over a month, and that none of your friends have either. Someone here is probably going to let you know that it hasn't been public for quite awhile. BTW, it is not censored AT ALL. I have flamed numerous posters in the past. I believe in fighting them with facts, rather than just deleting their posts. Are you libeling me and defaming my character again? As a professional writer with published pieces, I could take that as a character assault.

An old SUV? Please! It's two years old, fully paid for, and a far cry from that 1983 piece of shit Toyota you have. I am not here to harass you, you are the one jumping in and harassing me. I was invited here, like I said. Gonzo said that normal webmasters are welcomed, too. Even Mike came on and welcomed me. If you would just stay the hell away from me and quit making personal attacks, you would have no problems with me. You are the one looking for a confrontation, not me.

I'm being paid very well, thank you very much. Rather than being trapped in an old apartment in the Marina, I have a nice, big house and travel the world. It seems you need to ask Lew for a raise, so you can have the lifestyle your imagination is accustomed to.

Thanks for the story on LPPI. Lew has told you what happens when settlements are disclosed, right? Since you're such close friends, I'm sure PayPal's lawyers will understand that it was OK for him to tell you.

Have a wonderful night, Jackie.

Last edited by girlgeek at Oct 27 2003, 09:03 PM
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Old 10-28-2003   #18
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geeky, settle down. You and yoiur BF love to give out personal information, don't you. Giving out SS#'s and IP addresses is forbidden on all boards, but then you know that, don't you geeky.

Why are you here? To harass me! The old car is registered to my dead uncle. But you must have checked that out already. I have several friends from ham radio who have been going to your blog since you started announcing it in the Dream Books and in your BF's interviews. The marina address you continue to give out is not mine...just a mailing address.

Now I ask you, since you are such a big hater of your BF's codefendant, and you insist on bringing up his name daily here and on your blog, are you jealous, my dear? Unlike your social engineering flake of a BF, his codefendant has worked hard to make millions. I am not his employee, but you are your BF's employee because nobody would hire your sorry ass since you are too old to wear those silly-ass ears. Give them to your daughter.

You moved to LV because you couldn't afford to live in Los Angeles. Everyone knows that. Your SUV has so many miles on it that it is due for the city dump any day.

Unlike you, I do not care to reveal personal information about you. I would not want your daughter to answer the phone like my relatives do and hear sarcastic scary threatening voices on the other end.

I have nothing to hide. I used my CC's daily as I bought books, magazine subscriptions, and toys for your BF with him on the line. Why don't you put my CC#'s on the screen like you have done with all the other numbers. Lower yourself even deeper into the abyss.

I know you will return. You are a control freak! You have to make the last post or die trying.

Nitely nite, geeky!
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Old 10-28-2003   #19
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Actually, having the last word is your gig, not mine. I merely defend myself against your false claims.

This is all more libelous statements on your part. You are trapped in your own hell, there is no need for me to add to it. Besides, Lew probably wants the publicity.

Why do you get off on these attacks so much? You are a very sick person.

See you in court.

Last edited by girlgeek at Oct 27 2003, 11:59 PM
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Old 10-28-2003   #20
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Trick luv da kids.
I'll bore you to death....
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Old 10-28-2003   #21
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Geeky, you are full of shit. Your BF is the one who accused his codefendant and his attorney, Richard Sherman, of cooperating with the government. What a backstabbing comment that was. Richard Sherman should sue both of you, along with his client.

Do you have any idea how many people helped your BF? He doesn't care who he hurts. He just takes and takes and then makes threats. KARMA is a bitch, geeky.

Nobody called your BF. What would be the point? Normal human beings don't want to deal with social engineering idiots. Did your BF tell you about all the rotten things he did when he was a ham? Perhaps I should bring Richard Burton to Oprano so he and others can tell the world the truth.

Geeky, why don't you go back to your blog and look again at the libelous comments you made about your BF's codefendant. I have copies of your blogs. Don't try to bullshit a bullshitter! Except this bullshitter breaks all the rules and tells the truth.

You and your BF have attacked innocent people and snitched them out. You will have to find a way to explain these actions to the KARMA GODS!

Drink some herbal tea and go to bed. Don't you have to get up early and drive your innocent daughter to school? It's not fair to her to spend all your time on a pornboard. I hope her friends don't find out and embarrass her.

Like in the TV show, "Skin," tonight's episode featured the daughter of Ron Silver, the big porn person in the series, telling her father how difficult it was for her to face her friends because they all knew she was the daugher of a porn king. Yes, it can be rough on the children.

You have enough trouble being the livein GF of a social engineering career criminal cracker. Don't push your luck by adding porn to your activities.

Again, nitely nite, geeky.

I have noticed that you edit almost every post you make on Oprano. Relax, geeky. Life is too short to be so anal and correct every typing error you make. Concentrate on correct English usage. You are very lacking in this department.
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Old 10-28-2003   #22
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geeky, I see you edited your last comments AGAIN! Don't get all nervous. It's just a pornboard.

You said that your BF's codefendant called your BF and was pissed off at my comments. Hey, life is tough. I knew your BF long before I met the other ex-supporters and ex-friends of your BF. If you are so concerned about what you say in your posts that you have to return and edit, then you should take a break and stick to your blogs where you have total control.

Court? I would think twice, geeky, before you go down that path. I have attorneys waiting in line to face your BF. I would suggest you go to law school with your BF and study the legal ramifications of frivolous lawsuits.
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Old 10-28-2003   #23
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I edited the last post to remove the long defense statement I made.

Tell Lew to sue me. I never made any false statements about him. Also, read those posts again. Kevin never accused Richard Sherman of anything. He just told the truth about Lew cooperating with the government. Would Lewis like to publicly tell the DOJ that he did not cooperate, as per his plea agreement. That's right, I have a copy.

I don't come here and discuss Kevin, but true to form, you must mention him every post. Who's the crazy one here? I think that would be you.

I'm willing to put my published works against yours any day. You must have enjoyed something about my style, or you wouldn't have read my site and tried so hard to get back on. BTW, there is nothing illegal about me posting those IPs.

You're right about one thing, karma is a bitch, and you have had yours coming for so long. Why do you continually whine about Kevin? You said yourself, you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart, you had an alterior motive---material for your book. Shouldn't your advance cover your out-of-pocket losses? Don't forget the royalties.

Did you know that a publisher won't touch you if you lose a libel and defamation suit against your subject?
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Old 10-28-2003   #24
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There's nothing frivolous about it. Why don't you show up and see for yourself? Of course, you'll have to leave those attorneys behind.

Don't fret over our representation, sweetie. You certainly don't think we prepared this case without legal representation, now do you?
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Old 10-28-2003   #25
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Money is a tool!
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Old 10-28-2003   #26
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geeky, I can't tell the difference between you and your BF. You are glued to his ass. I'm embarrassed for you. You don't have a clue how your BF has treated people in his past. You can't wipe out 40 years.

I would be very careful if I were you. You are showing a very unpleasant side of yourself, and I have copies of all your unedited posts. You are out of your element, geeky. You are fighting the battles for someone you don't know.

Ask any male on this board what he would do if he were a career criminal social engineering cracker and he needed someone to wash his shitty shorts, give him blowjobs, and cater to his needs. You got it, babee, he would social engineer the hell out of the GF until he no longer needed her. It is a very typical response. I thought you, geeky, were too smart to fall for that bullshit, but it looks like you are no different than any other insecure/unemployed woman. You believe what you want to believe, and forget about the truth.

Poor geeky!
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Old 10-28-2003   #27
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My editor is a personal friend and knows the truth. Plus, it didn't stop your BF from libeling John Markoff in the book you are going to try to sell to those poor people in Portugal.

Don't you worry your little head about libel unless you are referring to your derogatory remarks about me and your BF's codefendant.

Are you planning to sue all the writers who have said nasty things about your BF? How about the security experts who said that your BF does not deserve to be a speaker or a member of security organizations? Did you sue them, too?

How about Christopher Painter's comments about your BF when he stated that KM was unrepenting. Gonna due him, too?

PLEASE, geeky, go back to your other life, if you ever had one, and start over. Work on getting back your self respect. Let me say right here and now, I will be the first in line to tell you, I TOLD YOU SO, when you are alone and wondering what the hell happened to make your BF turn on you!
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Old 10-28-2003   #28
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Think what you want, you know nothing and can't defend yourself against anything we have stated. Why? Maybe because you have no defense, because everything you say is a lie. So, you deflect and throw out more garbage in an attempt to hide the truth about yourself. I sure as hell know Kevin better than you. No need for you to be embarassed for me, it's got to be embarassing enough just being you.

You are boring me, Jacqueline, just like you have bored everyone else here with your lunatic rantings. I'm glad you saved the posts, be sure to show them to Lew. I know he gave you strict instructions to not bring his name up here.

You obviously didn't read the book. Markoff isn't mentioned in it. You have no editor. What publisher allows someone ten years to write a book? It is a strict six-month deadline with all the big publishing houses, or didn't your imaginary literary agent tell you that?

We'll let the judge decide if the case has any merit. Derogatory is OK, libel is not, and I have said nothing libelous about you or Lew. I only stated the truth. Will Lew be suing the DOJ for saying that he gave his full cooperation?
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Old 10-28-2003   #29
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I was about to go to bed, and here you are...AGAIN!

Get it all out, geeky. Rant & Rave and empty your guts. Yell to the Geek Gods, and go forward into that hot dry Las Vegas air!

Now, regarding John Markoff. Your BF has had a hardon for this reporter for years. Your BF included a libelous chapter in his book about Markoff. Your BF's publishing house refused to include that chapter. And guess what? Some how, the chapter mysteriously made it to the internet for all to read. Damn! I wonder how that happened? Wink! Wink!

We all know how that happened. The entire time I was talking to your BF, he was consumed with hate for John Markoff. Your BF, while in prison, wanted to sue Markoff. Because he didn't have the money to hire an outside attorney, and because he was afraid such a lawsuit would hurt his battle against the government, he backed down.

geeky, you are living with the biggest whiner known to mankind. He whined daily in my ear. He complained about the food. He complained about the black guys taking over the TV. He complained about his infected fungus feet. He complained about his heart palpitations. He complained about his attorney, Donald Randolph. He complained about his website. He complained that Emmanuel wouldn't accept his collect calls. He complained about his codefendant not being in prison with him. He complained about his present partner, Alex, not accepting his calls and not doing any searches for him on CourtLink. He complained about his relatives. He complained about his radio. He complained about his Defense Fund. Jesus, he complained about everything.

Now you are complaining about the very same things. You only know what your BF has told you. Geeky, open your eyes! Please save yourself.

Are you saying that your BF did not cooperate with the government? If he hadn't, he would still be rotting in prison! For God's Sake, KM signed all kinds of deals with the government before he was released. His codefendant wanted to go to trial, but he waited for your BF to work out a deal with the govenment before he moved forward. Look at all the shit KM did! He stole millions of dollars of information from corporations. How do we know he didn't make money. His claim has been that he was only curious and that he never made a dime with any of his illegal activities. Sure! And Saddam isn't a vicious killer! Give me a break!

If your BF hadn't cooperated with the government, he would have been fighting the government for the rest of his life. The government was planning on suing your BF in other California jurisdictions. Your BF was too chickenshit to go to trial.

All your BF's codefendant did was to sit down and plead guilty to one little old charge. Now folks, I ask you, who cooperated with the government?

Shame on you, geeky, for lying through your capped teeth!
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Old 10-28-2003   #30
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 28 2003, 04:30 AM
I was about to go to bed, and here you are...AGAIN!

Get it all out, geeky. Rant & Rave and empty your guts. Yell to the Geek Gods, and go forward into that hot dry Las Vegas air!

Now, regarding John Markoff. Your BF has had a hardon for this reporter for years. Your BF included a libelous chapter in his book about Markoff. Your BF's publishing house refused to include that chapter. And guess what? Some how, the chapter mysteriously made it to the internet for all to read. Damn! I wonder how that happened? Wink! Wink!

We all know how that happened. The entire time I was talking to your BF, he was consumed with hate for John Markoff. Your BF, while in prison, wanted to sue Markoff. Because he didn't have the money to hire an outside attorney, and because he was afraid such a lawsuit would hurt his battle against the government, he backed down.

geeky, you are living with the biggest whiner known to mankind. He whined daily in my ear. He complained about the food. He complained about the black guys taking over the TV. He complained about his infected fungus feet. He complained about his heart palpitations. He complained about his attorney, Donald Randolph. He complained about his website. He complained that Emmanuel wouldn't accept his collect calls. He complained about his codefendant not being in prison with him. He complained about his present partner, Alex, not accepting his calls and not doing any searches for him on CourtLink. He complained about his relatives. He complained about his radio. He complained about his Defense Fund. Jesus, he complained about everything.

Now you are complaining about the very same things. You only know what your BF has told you. Geeky, open your eyes! Please save yourself.

Are you saying that your BF did not cooperate with the government? If he hadn't, he would still be rotting in prison! For God's Sake, KM signed all kinds of deals with the government before he was released. His codefendant wanted to go to trial, but he waited for your BF to work out a deal with the govenment before he moved forward. Look at all the shit KM did! He stole millions of dollars of information from corporations. How do we know he didn't make money. His claim has been that he was only curious and that he never made a dime with any of his illegal activities. Sure! And Saddam isn't a vicious killer! Give me a break!

If your BF hadn't cooperated with the government, he would have been fighting the government for the rest of his life. The government was planning on suing your BF in other California jurisdictions. Your BF was too chickenshit to go to trial.

All your BF's codefendant did was to sit down and plead guilty to one little old charge. Now folks, I ask you, who cooperated with the government?

Shame on you, geeky, for lying through your capped teeth!
Damn I break tradition and watch a football game...see what happens?

Now now Jackie...what happened to playing nice?
BTW capped teeth are excellent to cum across!

Im going to have to ask for a raise...first Serge leaves the toilet lid open and now you got it all stopped up. Damn pageviews are going to make it impossible for me to get any work done again.

I guess I could go find some more new advertisers.
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Old 10-28-2003   #31
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Originally posted by gonzo@Oct 28 2003, 06:45 AM

Im going to have to ask for a raise...
20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

you don't need more dust...
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Old 10-28-2003   #32
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What's funny is the more Confucy posts, the more she proves Mitnick and Geeky's opinions of her. :P Not to mention C goes to great lengths to say she's "over" Mitnick and she doesn't stalk anyone, then rants on ad nauseam about him, his girlfriend, her daughter and THEIR personal lives.

Geeky's posts have been articulate and factual whereas C's are infused with so much hateful emotion over 2 people who she's never met that it's pathetic. Though it is great free entertainment.
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Old 10-28-2003   #33
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Of course I don't have my underwear. I'm definitely not wearing my underwear. It's not my underwear.
I buy my underwear at K-mart. Yeah, Kmart!

Ten minutes to Wapner. We're definitely locked in this box with no TV.\
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Old 10-28-2003   #34
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Peaches, thank you for your support. I value your opinion.

Everything you say is an *oprano pearl*, and we all appreciate your input.

Is that a green face mask you are wearing? Victoria's Secret has a new product called: GREEN JEALOUSY It's a rejuvenating face mask that you rub on and pray that it removes all traces of jealous rages while it perks up your pores. Jealousy is known to call skin breakouts.

Now, you take care, my Peaches!
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Old 10-28-2003   #35
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 28 2003, 10:41 AM
Peaches, thank you for your support. I value your opinion.

Everything you say is an *oprano pearl*, and we all appreciate your input.

Is that a green face mask you are wearing? Victoria's Secret has a new product called: GREEN JEALOUSY It's a rejuvenating face mask that you rub on and pray that it removes all traces of jealous rages while it perks up your pores. Jealousy is known to call skin breakouts.

Now, you take care, my Peaches!
Serge.....wheres the keys to the old SpamBot?
We might need to rename it ConfucyBot.
We are putting the bastards of this world on notice; greed and corruption will always be met with "a voice made of ink and rage."
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Old 10-28-2003   #36
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Originally posted by voodooman@Oct 28 2003, 09:49 AM
Of course I don't have my underwear. I'm definitely not wearing my underwear. It's not my underwear.
I buy my underwear at K-mart. Yeah, Kmart!

Ten minutes to Wapner. We're definitely locked in this box with no TV.\
I get my underwear at Kmart
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Yeah def-de-definitely Kmart

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Old 10-28-2003   #37
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Originally posted by confucy@Oct 28 2003, 11:41 AM
Is that a green face mask you are wearing? Victoria's Secret has a new product called: GREEN JEALOUSY It's a rejuvenating face mask that you rub on and pray that it removes all traces of jealous rages while it perks up your pores. Jealousy is known to call skin breakouts.

Now, you take care, my Peaches!
Darn it! You're too smart for me to fool you. That's it, I'm JEALOUS of your life. I want to be a bitter woman who spends her entire life lying and stalking people just like you.

Maybe when you write your book I can read it and use it as my Bible and guide to being just like you. Can I have an autographed copy from you - my idol? Please say "yes" as I would be crushed without your approval and guidance.

and we all appreciate your input
Just out of curiosity, how many voices do you have in your head?
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Old 10-28-2003   #38
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Old 10-28-2003   #39
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MR. BROWN - "Like a Virgin" is all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The whole song is a metaphor for big dicks.

MR. BLUE - No it's not. It's about a girl who is very vulnerable and she's been fucked over a few times. Then she meets some guy who's really sensitive--

MR. BROWN --Whoa...whoa...time out Greenbay. Tell that bullshit to the tourists.

JOE- (looking through his address book) Toby...who the fuck is Toby?
Toby...Toby...think...think... think...

MR. BROWN- It's not about a nice girl who meets a sensitive boy. Now granted that's what "True Blue" is about, no argument about that.

MR. ORANGE- Which one is "True Blue?"

NICE GUY EDDIE- You don't remember "True Blue?" That was a big ass hit for Madonna. Shit, I don't even follow this Tops In Pops shit, and I've at least heard of "True Blue."

MR. ORANGE - Look, asshole, I didn't say I ain't heard of it. All I asked was how does it go? Excuse me for not being the world's biggest Madonna fan.

MR. PINK - I hate Madonna.

MR. BLUE - I like her early stuff. You know, "Lucky Star," "Borderline" - but once she got into her "Papa Don't Preach" phase, I don't know, I tuned out.

MR. BROWN - Hey, fuck all that, I'm making a point here. You're gonna make me lose my train of thought.

JOE - Oh fuck, Toby's that little china girl.

MR. WHITE - What's that?

JOE - I found this old address book in a jacket I ain't worn in a coon's age. Toby what? What the fuck was her last name?

MR. BROWN - Where was I?

MR. ORANGE - You said "True Blue" was about a nice girl who finds a sensitive fella. But "Like a Virgin" was a metaphor for big dicks.

MR. BROWN - Let me tell ya what "Like a Virgin"'s about. It's about some cooze who's a regular fuck machine. I mean all the time, morning, day, night, afternoon, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick, dick.

MR. BLUE - How many dicks was that?

MR. WHITE - A lot.

MR. BROWN - Then one day she meets a John Holmes motherfucker, and it's like, whoa baby. This mother fucker's like Charles Bronson in "The Great Escape." He's diggin tunnels. Now she's gettin this serious dick action, she's feelin something she ain't felt since forever. Pain.

JOE - Chew? Toby Chew? No.

MR. BROWN - It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt. Her pussy should be Bubble-Yum by now. But when this cat fucks her, it hurts. It hurts like the first time. The pain is reminding a fuck machine what is was like to be a virgin. Hence, "Like a Virgin."

The fellas crack up.

JOE - Wong?

MR. BROWN - Fuck you, wrong. I'm right! What the fuck do you know about it anyway? You're still listening to Jerry-fucking-Vale.

JOE - Not wrong, dumb ass, Wong! You know, like the Chinese name?

Mr. White snatches the address book from Joe's hand. They fight, but they're not really mad at each other.

MR. WHITE - Give me this fucking thing.

JOE - What the fuck do you think you're doin? Give me my book back!

MR. WHITE - I'm sick of fuckin hearin it Joe, I'll give it back when we leave.

JOE - Whaddaya mean, give it to me when we leave, give it back now.

MR. WHITE - For the past fifteen minutes now, you've just been droning on with names. "Toby...Toby...Toby... Toby Wong...Toby Wong...Toby Chung...fuckin Charlie Chan." I got Madonna's big dick outta my right ear, and Toby Jap I-don't- know-what, outta my left.

JOE - What do you care?

MR. WHITE - When you're annoying as hell, I care a lot.

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Old 10-28-2003   #40
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clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
here I am stuck in the middle with you
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Old 10-28-2003   #41
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Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 28 2003, 12:57 PM
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
here I am stuck in the middle with you
You know, for years I thought it was "stuck in a riddle with you".
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Old 10-28-2003   #42
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Originally posted by Carrie@Oct 28 2003, 11:57 AM
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
here I am stuck in the middle with you

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Old 10-28-2003   #43
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I am glad you are all enjoying the free entertainment, but I am afraid it is over. I can't post here, without her jumping in to attack me, to spread more of her lies.

It seems that all these threads seem to do, is make Jacqueline look sillier and sillier, and waste a lot of my time. No one here even seems interested any longer. My goal was to destroy her credibility, and it looks like she has done that for me. So I will go away and wait until I have court dates to announce. Rave away, madwoman!

While she was posting more of her "truth" here last night, I was putting my investigative skills to good use. I decided to grep through the logs and grab all the IPs for the people who downloaded the jackie.tif file on 10/12/03, when Kevin was embarrassing her on these boards. Don't worry, you have my word that they will never be released.

I ran each of those against this month's logs, and what do you know? Only ONE appeared in the logs prior to Kevin's appearance here. Coincidental? I think not. In fact, that ONE appeared shortly after I made the announcement that the blog had been closed down to the public, from a cable provider that services the Boise, Idaho area. Jacqueline, your boss came to my site on 10/6/03 at 5:39am CST, knew it had been closed down and didn't even tell you. From your desperate attempts in those couple of days prior and after the 6th, I assume you must have sent him, because you couldn't get through. Still wondering about the connection between the two?

So, if anyone was wondering, Big Lew is lurking. The referral on the hit to download the file, came straight from Oprano at 6:45pm CST. Like Gonzo said, you never know who is watching!
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Old 10-28-2003   #44
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Originally posted by girlgeek@Oct 27 2003, 11:56 PM
Caught you in another lie. Would you like me to post my raw logs grepped for your IP here, so everyone can see all the desperate attempts to get through, just to be greeted with a big, fat 403: FORBIDDEN error? What are the rules on posting IPs?
They are your logs......... post away

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Old 10-28-2003   #45
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Originally posted by girlgeek@Oct 28 2003, 01:38 PM
I am glad you are all enjoying the free entertainment, but I am afraid it is over. I can't post here, without her jumping in to attack me, to spread more of her lies.
PLEASE don't let her chase you off. Everyone here knows the situation - we've watched her try and attack and try to destroy people for YEARS on porn boards. We've watched her then try and be "nice" so we know how fake it all is. And now that you and KM have posted here, we now know the actual facts regarding that situation.

Watching C post is like watching a horrific train wreck. You KNOW she's going to crash and burn, but you just can't stop watching. She's been doing some BIG TIME squirming recently with you and KM pointing out her lies and associations to add to the ones we've been pointing out for years.

Again, don't let her chase you off. I know it's hard to ignore her when she starts lying and attempting to taunt you, but you've done a good job defending yourself as has KM. If you need to just ignore her, feel free to do so - I'm sure others will point out her lies and fabrications.

Edited for grammar :angry:

Last edited by Peaches at Oct 28 2003, 01:48 PM
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Old 10-28-2003   #46
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Originally posted by girlgeek@Oct 28 2003, 12:38 PM
I am glad you are all enjoying the free entertainment, but I am afraid it is over. I can't post here, without her jumping in to attack me, to spread more of her lies.

It seems that all these threads seem to do, is make Jacqueline look sillier and sillier, and waste a lot of my time. No one here even seems interested any longer. My goal was to destroy her credibility, and it looks like she has done that for me. So I will go away and wait until I have court dates to announce. Rave away, madwoman!

While she was posting more of her "truth" here last night, I was putting my investigative skills to good use. I decided to grep through the logs and grab all the IPs for the people who downloaded the jackie.tif file on 10/12/03, when Kevin was embarrassing her on these boards. Don't worry, you have my word that they will never be released.

I ran each of those against this month's logs, and what do you know? Only ONE appeared in the logs prior to Kevin's appearance here. Coincidental? I think not. In fact, that ONE appeared shortly after I made the announcement that the blog had been closed down to the public, from a cable provider that services the Boise, Idaho area. Jacqueline, your boss came to my site on 10/6/03 at 5:39am CST, knew it had been closed down and didn't even tell you. From your desperate attempts in those couple of days prior and after the 6th, I assume you must have sent him, because you couldn't get through. Still wondering about the connection between the two?

So, if anyone was wondering, Big Lew is lurking. The referral on the hit to download the file, came straight from Oprano at 6:45pm CST. Like Gonzo said, you never know who is watching!
No reason to go away....I wanted laptop advice and some Wi Fi information. Are you gonna bail on me now?
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Old 10-28-2003   #47
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Originally posted by girlgeek@Oct 28 2003, 12:38 PM
I am glad you are all enjoying the free entertainment, but I am afraid it is over. I can't post here, without her jumping in to attack me, to spread more of her lies.
Don't let her get to you Darci......

Please stay and post, ignore her (as much as you can).......

You have every right to be here too.......So, remember the 2 secrets to life:

1. Don't sweat the small shit............
2. It's all small shit.................

Hope you stay.........


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Old 10-28-2003   #48
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You guys are great. I didn't mean I was leaving permanently, I was just going to keep quiet until the court date was set. I have been having a lot of fun here, despite Jackie.

I do feel that these threads take away from everything that is going on here. I just don't want to be part of the "confucy side show." The entire experience is draining and time-consuming. That's what happens when you try to reason with a buffoon. I tried to start serious posts here, and one-by-one, she came on and reduced them to this. It didn't seem like anyone here was enjoying watching her melt down any further.

So, I will be back soon. I appreciate the support. Thanks!
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Old 10-28-2003   #49
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Mmmmm, she said "grep".
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Old 10-28-2003   #50
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Originally posted by girlgeek@Oct 28 2003, 01:05 PM
The entire experience is draining and time-consuming. That's what happens when you try to reason with a buffoon.
A little long but that could definately be a PEARL!

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