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Old 01-13-2003   #1
on prozac - be gentle
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Okay ladies,

How did you lose your weight??

I gained 50lbs the first 1 1/2 years in this biz. I was always a little 'round', but never as round as this...lol. I have severely neglected my health for this biz. [read: money] h34r: In the last couple of years, I have come to see it as a trade off....health for $$. But what good is $$ without the good health to enjoy it?

Reading your posts, you have all managed to lose quite a large amount of weight in the last year.

Heather, although we never officially met in Vegas, it was nice to see you and hear about your triumph over weight. I see you alluding to how you did it, but you don't really say!!!

Do share!!

I'm pregnant right now, so dieting is out at this time, but I'm already preparing for my post-natal health.

For you all, was it as simple as eating right and exercising? If so, how did you incorporate it into your lifestyle? Was there major changes? Or just small ones? Which changes did you find the most substancial in contributing to your transformation?

I wanna be part of the 'shrinking' gang!!!

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Old 01-13-2003   #2
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in one word:

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Old 01-13-2003   #3
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Well before I lost about 200 pounds, I slimmed that albatross around my neck down by 60, so I think I can give you some advice here

Not to mention I did lose about 20 or so pounds of the 25 I put on this summer when I hurt my back.

First off -- more calories used than taken in is the ONLY way to lose. There is no other math, no other trick, no nothing, that will do it.

Heathers gone to extreme measures in her situation, but her health dictated it, and she looks fantastic.

Serge lost weight this year on his red wine diet I think he called it lol, and I think happiness might have helped LL with hers, since that glow she's sporting is not just from losing weight.

More important than losing weight and being skinny is that you are healthy. I think so many people, especially women, lose site of the fact that skinny is not healthy at some point. I'm not skinny like I was three years ago, heck I'll probably never weigh that little again -- it would mean another 15 pounds off, and I'm not sure I'd want to be that thin, tho at the time it suited me tremendously.

Talk to your doctor, he should be able to give you some very light excercises, like walking or swimming, that you can do while you are preggers to get yourself into the habit of doing something, then once you've had the baby you're so much further into good habits that will help take the weight off
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Old 01-13-2003   #4
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KK, I wrote this in August of 2001, so it did pass the test of time:

still applicable today:

> >------------------------
> > > OK,
> > > due to the interest expressed,
> > > I'll write it down.
> > >
> > > ===========
> > > I am not a doctor, my father was. I never read a single book on the
> > > subject. I did speak with a few folks who shared with me their
> > > I saw results produced, I followed their advices and the PLAN worked
> >me
> > > and Emi,
> > > individual results may vary, as everybody's body is different.
> > > And most important....I stayed once at Holiday Inn Express
> > > ;-)))
> > >
> > > -----------------------
> > >
> > > yes, you heard me, diets, band aids, temporary patches,
> > > they do not work!
> > > Whatever you lose with your fast diet -
> > > you gain back as soon as you get of it.
> > > The only thing what can achieve the permanent results is
> > >
> > > 2) WHAT IS OUR BODY?
> > > ------------------------
> > >
> > > as far as I am concerned, the body is a factory
> > > which transforms energy from one form into another,
> > > the factory where several chemical reactions take place.
> > > The chemical reactions can be described by this simple example:
> > > if you drop acid on your hand-
> > > you gonna have a burn.
> > > if you drop alkaline on your hand-
> > > you gonna have a burn too.
> > > If you mix acid and alkaline together,
> > > what are you going to have as a result?
> > > absolutely harmless water.
> > > Fats are not harmless, Carbs are not harmless,
> > > (in moderation)
> > > Carbs + Fats combo is lethal.
> > >
> > > 3) You are NOT what you eat,
> > > you are what you eat, when and how.
> > > ------------------------------------
> > >
> > > yes, reduce, do not eliminate them completely,
> > > don't go crazy reading every label out there,
> > > do not skip BBQ ribs because BBQ sauce has sugar in it.
> > > One loaf of bread or baked potato has more carbs than
> > > your weekly BBQ ribs "allowance"
> > > ;_))
> > >
> > > Foods high on carbs and their substitutes
> > >
> > > Sodas/juices. Kids get about 20 spoon full of sugar every day drinking
> > > regular colas. We are not kids, Pelegrino/Perrier is gonna do just
> > >
> > > Breads/Sandwiches/Buns/. I find salads with good tasty dressing and
> > > to be quite all right.
> > >
> > > Potatoes/Rice/Pasta/. I replaced them with all sorts of veggies on the
> > > side. Veggies/potatoes/rice...by themselves all of them are pretty
> > > tasteless, SAUCE it comes with makes all the difference in taste,
> > > this switch wasn't a biggie for me.
> > >
> > > Fruits. this one was the hardest, I LOVE all sorts of fruits. I have
> > > in "maintenance mode". I'll come back to modes later.
> > >
> > > ALL KINDS of Deserts. Same as fruits. Allowed in maintenance mode,
> > > once/twice a week.
> > >
> > >
> > > Carbs which I recommend NOT to drop:
> > > carrots.
> > > At our age, eyes become a problem. Carrots have something (Beta
> > > which is VERY good for eyes and anti-cancer.
> > > Emi buys small carrots in plastic bag and I nosh on them between
> > >
> > > C) Few tricks:
> > > eat more salty fish like smoked salmon, white fish, hearing, etc.
> > > The more salt you take - the more thirsty you become and the more
> >you
> > > drink-
> > > the more you fill your stomach and thus reduce hunger.
> > >
> > > if you love meat - try to add more oily fish instead-
> > > you'll live longer.
> > >
> > > Drink red wine, it good for lowering your cholesterol,
> > > I eliminated zocor completely and reduced cholesterol from 360 to 185
> > > tilting balance toward fish vs. meats and drinking glass or two every
> > > nothing wrong with getting "fershtukken", better than destroy your
> > > with zocor
> > > ;-)))
> > >
> > >
> > > 4) Stomach yoga, inhale...exhale ;-)
> > > --------------------------------------
> > >
> > > Life is not a dash, life is a marathon,
> > > and planning the marathon, do not expect immediate results,
> > > you won't get them, but plan it as a long haul.
> > > I compare weight loss chart to the behavior of a typical stock.
> > > If stock enjoys meteoric rise - it will be followed by a crash
> > > If you lose 20 pounds in 7 days - you'll gain 20 pounds back in a
> > > If stock shows down trend, it is characterized by lower highs and
> >lows.
> > > You body loses weight properly when your body weight FLUCTUATES with
> > > same characteristics -
> > > lower highs on the scale and lower lows.
> > >
> > > Stage one - REALLY LOSING IT, it takes about 5-6 days and during this
> > > period you:
> > > no deserts, no sugars, no sweets, no pastas, and get increased doze of
> > > exercise. In a week or so you'll see a 4-5 pounds drop and now it's
> > > for maintenance, letting the body to adjust itself with a new weight,
> > > create a new plato to assault the next weight loss.
> > > At this time, allow yourself foods you can't live without,
> > > and monitor your weight with scale, when you gain 1/2 of the loss
> > > start preparing for a new "assault".
> > > Something to remember though:
> > > when you have a meal with higher carbs content-
> > > try to avoid foods with high fat content at that time,
> > > because 500 calories from fat added to 500 calories of carbs give you
> > > result of 1500 calories intake,
> > > don't ask me why,
> > > I don't wanna bore you with chemical and biochemical analysis
> > > ;-))
> > > Exercises should NEVER seize, in a week or so, your body starts
> >them,
> > > let your body have 'em
> > > ;-))
> > >
> > > Go on the scale early, go on the scale often.
> > > Scale and your pants are the ultimate measure what works and what
> > > and...
> > > scale doesn't let you go in denial when you gain too much,
> > > scale fills you with joy every time you make a new low.
> > >
> > > Every time we make a new low-
> > > we celebrate it with a pasta dinner, deserts, etc, etc, etc.
> > > We are all Pavlov's dogs afterall and subconsciously we try get to the
> >low,
> > > because a nice treat awaits us there.
> > > ;_))
> > >
> > >
> > > We never get upset when we gain a few after a good dinner,
> > > 'cuz we know how to get rid of it in the next 4-5 days
> > > ;-))
> > >
> > > controlling what and when you take in is only a 1/2 of the equation,
> > > which brings us to the next topic:
> > >
> > >
> > > 5) Burn 'em!
> > > -------------
> > >
> > > there are two kinds of exercise and the best results can be achieved
> > > combining them together:
> > > "aerobics" and "weight lifting"
> > >
> > > Emi tilts more towards aerobics tapes,
> > > bikes, etc,
> > > while I tilt more towards squats and push ups.
> > > What is important,
> > > 1+1=3 (we know that from our internet businesses ;-))
> > > if you lose 1/2 a pound by doing aerobics OR you lose 1/2 a pound
> > > push ups,
> > > you'll lose 1.5 pounds by doing BOTH.
> > > Jogging, aerobics, biking...all this are aerobics
> > > push ups, weight lifting, dumbbells, squats,
> > > all this is a weight.
> > >
> > > Those are the basics,
> > > Emi who is 8 years younger than me,
> > > eats more carbs exercises more and she lost more % wise than me.
> > >
> > > I sit all day long (after exercising) behind monitor and I lost less
> > > wise, but we both lost 30 pounds each in 8 months.
> > >
> > > Walk as much as possible, walking out a dog helps tremendously,
> > > and always keep this in mind:
> > >
> > > there are two things in this world-
> > > when you start seeing the results and see how easy small changes to
> > > daily routines can be made,
> > > your self respect and admiration is going to raise to the new levels
> > > ;-))
> > >
> > > Best of luck and if you have any questions-
> > > I'm a pc/phone call away
> > > ;-))
> > >
> > > see you in 30 pounds
> > > ;-))
> > >
> > > Serge
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Old 01-13-2003   #5
on prozac - be gentle
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Sexercise....haha....so true so true.

I agree completely...there is no magic fix....it's simple math...less calories consumed than used. Period.

Exercise is where I lack HUGE. I sit in front of this monitor and all of a sudden it's 4 hours later. I take a pee, get a drink and I'm back here checking my email. In the morning the first thing I do is grab my tea and head to my screen. This is DEFINITELY where I have to start....even with (like you said) light preggy exercises to start. My problem (excuse??) right now is that I have killer morning sickness (read: all day sickness) and the last thing I feel like doing is exercising...

That's a great post. It really is all things I already know, but have yet to utilize the information. I am a carb-a-holic. I prefer carbs over meat any day. In fact, I used to be a vegetarian. (still ate eggs, milk products and the occasional can of tuna..and of course carbs) I lost 17lbs and felt great.

But right now during pregnancy protein is so important, and I also feel in the end, eating low fat meats would be better for me than carbs. Bye bye pasta, bagels and potatoes.

I love veggies so that's not a problem for me. Plus with my current appetite it's easy to not eat much...problem is I don't even eat the right foods right now.

I've never been a HUGE eater....not a big sweets fan, nor a 'fat' fan...just carbs....my eating habits never changed much when I started gaining weight....it was my lack of moving that made the difference for me. I HAVE to move more....but a combination of carbs in moderation with moderate exercise would definitely do the trick.

What I want to know is HOW you incorporated it into your lifestyle?? Did you set a time of day for exercise? Or was any time of day good? Do you have a daily schedule? I'm horrible at keeping schedules, so that doesn't help either. Did you keep the 'sinful' stuff in the fridge? Or did you clear out the cubboards and start from scratch? This would be hard for me as I have 3 kiddies and a hubby who loves to eat.

I had Reece almost 2 years ago. I was horrified that during my pregnancy I would gain even more weight than I had already. That pregnancy was the weirdest one I've ever had. I was 18lbs lighter at 9 months pregnant.....and 26lbs lighter when I walked out of the hospital with him in my arms. He was completely healthy and weighed in at 6'9lbs.

The doctors said I was just a "...case we look at and go hmmmm". LOL

It would be nice if this was the case again, but I'm not banking on it and and ready to do what I can now to get healthier and get that edge on that preggy flab.

You are so right when you say that being 'skinny' isn't NEARLY as important as being healthy. Health is definitely my goal....the skinny part is just a bonus.

One thing I know that is best for my health is not to call KK "Kimmy Kim" at the shows....thank god my nose is still where it should be on my face.

Thanks for your input guys.
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Old 01-13-2003   #6
Mike AI
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Atkins diet does work....

Anyone see how thin J$tyle$ is now? He is not even big enough to be a player, he he a PLA....

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Old 01-13-2003   #7
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I've finally realized that I REALLY like food - all food! I love the way it smells, the way it tastes, the way it feels in my mouth, etc., etc. Carbs and sweets are my weakness. I love veggies - even raw - but also enjoy them covered in a nice cream or cheese sauce I've also realized I'm not ever going to be "thin" - no one in my family is thin - we're stocky German/Scottish/Norwegians. At my "thinnest", I wasn't thin, lol!

When I've lost weight before, I've done it by doing exactly as Serge said - cutting back - WAY back. And giving myself a bonus day every month, where I can hit the Mexican Restaurant and order what I want

Like you, exercise just never seems to fit into the day. But with the kid going into the Air Force, he needs to start running, so at least 3 days a week, we're going down the mountain to one of the few flat roads around here, and I'm walking while he runs. I also bought the "Walk away the pounds" DVD's so I can't do the "but it's RAINING!" excuse.....

Thankfully, per the doctor, my cholesterol's great, BP's great, etc. I'm healthy as a horse - just starting to look like one too

You'd be fine if you stopped getting knocked up every year
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Old 01-13-2003   #8
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Originally posted by Mike AI@Jan 14 2003, 12:10 AM
Atkins diet does work....

Anyone see how thin J$tyle$ is now? He is not even big enough to be a player, he he a PLA....
Everyone I've known that's done Atkins said it was really impossible to keep it up, and they've all gained the weight back again

I swear, I have friends that eat just to stay alive - they don't have the love affair with food that I have with it....they're skinny, too, hehehe
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Old 01-13-2003   #9
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Hi my name is Shannon and I am a carboholic....

I hear ya gigi...The only thing to do in this case is excercise your restraint since you can't excercise your pregnant body too much.

Remember...it takes 14 hours to burn one serving of carbohydrates out of your system. I lost a great deal of weight one time by eating my carbs ONLY every other day...The lbs seem to fall off. And this is not a diet...it's just a new way of eating for us "can't live without our carbs girls"

And if that doesn't work...there's always the "HOLLYWOOD DIET"
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Old 01-13-2003   #10
on prozac - be gentle
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Originally posted by Peaches@Jan 13 2003, 11:15 PM
You'd be fine if you stopped getting knocked up every year


teehee....do I get bonus asshole points for telling off asshole #4??

Reece was a 'woops' 2 years ago....I had 2 boys already 8 and 10....I was only 10 years away from kiddie freedom!!! Then came Reece....now of course I couldn't live without him.

This one was just a plain old jinx!!! Remo was snipped back in March dammit!!! I'm still in shock...but the morning sickness makes it much more real. :angry:

And no, I'm not counting on a girl....my chances are slim to none with 3 boys already.


Yes, I've heard that Atkins works....I'm just petrified of it's long term effects...ie: extra work for kidneys processing so much protein; advocating eating tons of butter etc....my heart hurts just thinking about it...it just CAN'T be good for you.

Meni was mentioning it on another board...he said that no one on his 'weight lifting' board got that way from Atkins....good for losing weight? Yes. Good for getting 'buff'? Apparently not.

I actually tried it for 1 week with hubby (he lasted 3 days)....it gets tiring eating steak and salad every day.

And with that...I'm off to sit for 3 whole hours in the movie theatre....FINALLY going to see LOTR: The Two Towers....woohoo!
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Old 01-13-2003   #11
on prozac - be gentle
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Originally posted by ShannonRush@Jan 13 2003, 11:23 PM
Hi my name is Shannon and I am a carboholic....

I hear ya gigi...The only thing to do in this case is excercise your restraint since you can't excercise your pregnant body too much.

Remember...it takes 14 hours to burn one serving of carbohydrates out of your system. I lost a great deal of weight one time by eating my carbs ONLY every other day...The lbs seem to fall off. And this is not a diet...it's just a new way of eating for us "can't live without our carbs girls"

And if that doesn't work...there's always the "HOLLYWOOD DIET"
LOL Shannon!

Nice to see a fellow carbaholic! hehe

That's actually not a bad idea doing the 'every other day' carb thing....I might just try that.

Hollywood diet hmmm? You'll have to expand on that one for me....or does it just include the back of your tongue and your index finger??
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Old 01-13-2003   #12
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I had Lap Band surgery, which is far less extreme than a gastric bypass. It's also no panacea..you have to still work at losing weight, the bypass makes you lose weight no matter what, but at what price? There was no way I would have let someone cut out half my stomach and re-reroute my intestines. 1 in 200 die on the table from a gastric bypass..only 1 person in about 10K has died from the lap band.

There is a saline-filled band around my stomach, which was put there with laparascopic surgery. I was in the hospital one day. Nothing about surgery is risk-free, of course, but this is the least invasive method and is reversible, but I don't know why I'd ever reverse it.

It makes it pretty much impossible to eat meat or soft breads. It also makes me feel full faster. But as I said, it's not as simple as that. I have to seriously watch what I eat, the band just made it easier. I can have the band opened when I reach goal weight so that I can eat more food, but I doubt I'd ever have it completely removed, though that, too, is possible.

I changed the way I ate basically. Because I can't eat meats aside from ground meat and flakey fish, I cut down a lot on my cholesterol intake. The inability to eat bread has helped as well. But more than anything else, I decided to leave almost all simple carbs and fats behind (not that you can tell that from the way I ate in Vegas...yeah, I stole Sharky's fries!) in order to control my diabetes.

Chocolate, ice cream and other high calorie, high fat foods go right past the band, so you do have to use self-control. It's sometimes easier to eat a chocolate bar than to chew your veggies 9 million times, but I had to make a decision to get my health back. Also, since I can only eat about a half of cup of food at one sitting, if I want to keep my hair, etc, I have to choose carefully what I put in my mouth.

I eat a lot of soups, veggies (no butter), fish and non-fat, no-sugar yogurt. I don't have to drink those nasty protein shakes because I watch my nutrients closely. Many people who have this surgery and almost 100% of gastric bypasses have to drink protein to keep from getting sick.

My cholesterol dropped from 325 to 74 in 4 months. My triglicerides are down from 800 to 175. No more cardiac arrythmia, no more diabetes meds, no problems breathing.

My iron levels are higher than before I had surgery, I'm not deficient in any vitamins or minerals and I don't even take vitamins, but I eat tons of a varitey of vegetables and fruits and I can eat liver still, which helps my iron levels a lot. My stamina is incredible.

KK's right, exercise is key as well. Because I have a bad hip, my exercise is pretty much limited to walking, but I'm going to start doing some strength training and yoga to firm up some lose skin. If it weren't for the hip, I'd be on a Nordic Trak every day.

I was 155 pounds overweight. My BMI was like 53..ridiculous. I've lost almost no muscle mass, which is pretty wild. The first 3 months I lost NO muscle mass at all. Since I had 137 pounds of muscle mass before, I have to lose some, but it's been minimal. I feel incredible and most people tell me I look very healthy. I still have about 45 pounds to lose, it's now going a bit slower, but I lost 5 pounds since Vegas, thank god Xmas is over (no, I didn't GAIN any weight over Xmas this year!).

What I did I did because I was in imminent danger of dying of a heart attack and my diabetes had to be controlled. It's not for everyone, but I saw quite a few people at the show that were at least as overweight as I was. I lost hundreds of pounds over the years, I always gained it back. This time it's different. Just the knowledge that I never have to gain it back has made all the difference.

To those who can drop over 100 pounds without help, more power to them. My situation was critical and I felt out of control.

What it all boils down to is the same thing KK said, expend more calories than you take in, no matter how you have to do it. I'd do it over again in a heartbeat. I've lost a lot of weight many times in the past, this time it's different.
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Old 01-13-2003   #13
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The Hollywood Diet is not as gross as what you may be thinking...

Much easier but not good while a Preggo. It is a 2 day juice diet. They advertise it on TV all of the time. It tastes really good but make sure someone puts a padlock on the fridge the second day. I will get you the info for it if you want.

After my son was born I had a hard time starting the weight loss thing but this was my kickstart I lost 6 lbs the first day, only gained 1 back...now everytime I hit a plateau I do it for a day.
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Old 01-14-2003   #14
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And water, water, water! Half your body weight in ounces every single day (i.e. 160 lbs. = 80 oz.). Best if it's distilled water, not what's labeled "drinking," "purified," or "spring" -- and most especially never from the tap.

Drinking enough water is one of the most important, and most overlooked, things any person can do for the good of their health, dieting or not. I've lost almost 40 lbs. over the past year or so (if I can lose 15 more, I swear I'll stop agonizing over being tubby... no, really, I mean it!) by changing my diet and drinking the required amount of water. It's one of the most difficult things for me to do, because I've never really liked just plain water, so now I put a couple drops of Lemon essential oil in nearly every cup I drink. It gives it a little bit of flavor, plus the oil has therapeutic properties itself.

And you can start that part right now, even though you're pregnant (hey, it's not like you're not already visiting the potty 20x a day, eh?). Congrats on the impending little blessing, too!

If one of us could come up with the magical exercise program that could be done in front of the evil box, and melt away the Computer Butt Syndrome, we'd be rich!

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Old 01-14-2003   #15
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A few points...before beginning any weight loss program, it's vitally important to be happy in yourself, to avoid that comfort/binge eating trap. I got rid of a certain fuckhead in my life completely, and it helped no end.

Secondly, you must identify your own particular weaknesses and figure out a work around you can live with. I'm a potato chip addict, but I found that by buying smaller packets, I can let myself have a treat without being tempted to consume a 10oz bag in one sitting. I also succumbed to the late afternoon sweet/chocolate/cookie/cake cravings way too often. MY work around was to substitute 'Coco Pops' (someone help me out here with the US version...chocolate flavoured rice crispies type thing...breakfast cereal.) Much lower in fat than a big chunk of chocolate cake, very filling, and still satisfies my chocolate craving. If i'm hungry after dinner, I'll have another bowl.

I couldn't give up carbs...wouldn't work for me (no toast and vegemite for breakfast? pleeeeeeeease!), but so far what I've done HAS worked for ME.

Also, get your doc to check your thyroid levels. Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease are way under-diagnosed in Australia, and I suspect the same is true for the US.

I still don't feel like I actually put in enough effort to achieve the results I've gotten so far (still have a way to go methinks), almost feels like I cheated somehow...but I'm not planning on putting it back on.
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Old 01-14-2003   #16
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You should all read "Eat, Drink & Be Healthy" by Walter C. Willett, M.D.

Being healthy is about a lifestyle, there are no shortcuts. As many have said earlier, if calories in < calories burned weight goes down. But you also must maintain a well balanced diet to be healthy. Willett's book is based on many long term studies and does not offer to have all of the answers, just the best that they can come up with today.

Now if I could just get out of this chair and to the Gym for an hour . . . you would think an hour is not that much time . . . but I seem to never be able to find that "hour" (This guy is encouraging us all to exercise!)

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Old 01-14-2003   #17
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I lost 52 pounds between June and September last year on a modified version of the Atkins diet - 14 pounds in the 1st 2 weeks. Carbs are evil! lol My doc believes you should be on low-carb 3 months and go back off 3 months, so I'm just coming off a 3-month hiatus and am proud to say I didn't gain a single pound back while I was off.

Since coming back from Vegas (starting the 10th), I've dropped another 7 pounds back on Low-Carb. It's the only thing that has ever worked for me. I tried low-fat (gained 30 pounds on that), Slim Fast (another 20 pounds added) plus every other trendy diet that came down the pike.

In the summer I swim every morning - 30 laps in the pool.
In the winter I walk every morning - 3 laps around the block.

And the water - yes Rox - it IS the water! I drink 3 liters a day. When I drink less my loss slows. Some days I feel like I'm choking it down, but I know it's what I need to do if I want to keep losing. I hope to be down at least another 20-25 by Phoenix and an additional 20-25 by Florida. It gets harder the closer you get to goal weight but I swear it just MELTS off with low-carb.

I still say we have a contest - most dress sizes lost. lol I lost 6 sizes in 3 months - I wasn't as smart as Heather though and didn't get my clothes altered. I've been driving hub's credit card through the roof with between-size shopping. lol But hey - it's been fun!

Gigi - since you are pregnant and can't really dive into any weight loss program, I would start learning about low-carb or another diet plan now. Check out www.lowcarbeating.com and www.atkinscenter.com for some excellent FREE advice and support. The first site also has info for pregnant women and nursing mothers. It's more than just steak and salad - there are LOTS of options. Today we had grilled chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner with cherry-hazlenut biscotti & espresso for dessert. Not bad for diet food!

Good luck Gigi - whatever you decide to do! When's the baby due?
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Old 01-14-2003   #18
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I am far from my target weight but I have lost 40lbs over the last 6 months. I did Atkins for a bit and it does work but I was craving vegetables too much and I didn't like that I had to deny myself green vegetables in any real amount. Then my hubby was put on a diabetic diet and I found it too difficult to cook two totally different eating plans. So, I switched to WW and that happened to be the right plan for me.

However, in truth all the diets I have tried (and I have been big all my life and been on every diet you can imagine) all comes down to teaching you to eat a balanced diet and to exercise. It just takes some of us longer to commit to that.

Plus, as it was said before - water. Most of us go through our lives dehydrated and if we just drank out minumum water requirements we would feel so much better. Running back and forth to the loo is exercise too

I took a break for the holidays and put on weight, tomorrow is my shopping day and from that point on I am back on the diet. Actually looking forward to some healthy food.
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Old 01-14-2003   #19
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I should have mentioned water as well. I keep sport bottles in the fridge and refill them from the cooler. I have one with me most of the time. Drinking enough water is really important.

I tried all the diets on Earth before I resorted to surgery. What I'm doing now makes sense. Well-balanced meals are key. Complex carbs are the best kind and give you the most nutritional benefit. After being diagnosed with diabetes, I found out that my greatest enemy is fat. It raises blood sugar way faster than sugar does.

All carbs process the same way in a diabetic, so eating a potato is the same as eating jelly beans for me, the only thing is that I'm going to get more nutrients from complex carbs, so it's best that I eat those. Besides, I can eat a whole package of steamed spinach and be full rather than the same amount of calories from ice cream, which would be about a tablespoon and still be hungry.

It's the food choices you make that matter. Fad diets are just that and they will never keep the weight off, they get too boring. I personally believe that Atkins is downright dangerous. If I tried that diet now that I'm diabetic, it would probably kill me in short order. I have to wonder what happens to people with undiagnosed heart conditions when they start pounding all that fat and cholesterol. I tried that diet a few years ago, I felt miserable and couldn't stay on it, missed veggies too much.

I still allow myself the luxury of sugar and fat, but in greatly reduced amounts. (ask kimmy what I had for breakfast one morning in Vegas at 5:30 am, lol). You just have to make proper eating habits the rule rather than the exception.

I can gain weight with this band if I ate all wrong, lots of people have. It all boils down to making the committment and sticking with it because you'll feel wonderful when you do.
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Old 01-14-2003   #20
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Chocolate, ice cream and other high calorie, high fat foods go right past the band, so you do have to use self-control. It's sometimes easier to eat a chocolate bar than to chew your veggies 9 million times, but I had to make a decision to get my health back.
Heather, thanks for sharing that info ... and everyone else, these are great stories!! i just tried to register webmasterhealth.com but someone already has it ... i've been thinking the last few months about a place for discussing webmaster related illnesses and health and lifestyle! LMAO i thought i was silly but this thread says something else!

Webmasters are a breed who haven't yet had time to see what health problems are associated with their workplace ... we are the first professional generation who have sat in front of a computer in the same chair with one hand on a keyboard and the other on a piece of chocolate cake LOL

As many of you know, I missed this internext ... and for me to miss a show is a pretty rare thing ;-)))

If you want to lose weight, I have the perfect formula! Break your digestive system!! I have lost around 15kg-20kg, not sure what this is in pounds ... its almost 30% ... i used to weigh about 76kg today i'm at 60kg

I was always rake skinny during school, after puberty I put on a bit of weight but maintained it with excercise ... I've never been overweight, and often have been underweight ... my mum used to joke that all the food i ate went into my big toe, because i was always very active i burned everything I ate ... and i've always been a HUGE eater

Becoming a full time webmaster, ie every single waking moment in front of the pc, you forget about the things that you used to do every day to feel 'good'. And the WORST possible thing is working out of your house. This requires a special kind of dicipline, and I don't think I have it LOL

2 days after christmas I went to see a natropath ... i'd been to 3 different doctors, been to hospital twice, blood tests, medication, special diets etc ... and the most advice i could get from anyone was 'don't eat green fruit and vegetables' .... er, huh? why? When I finally went to see a natropath I was desperate for any help, just to be able to eat food ... glorious food ...

the natropath holds the light up to your eyes, and tells you your problem based on the rings and colors of your eyes ... he runs off a list of things inside that aren't working, solution: drink this disgusting tasting herbal mix, take 17 various tablets per day (slippery elm, vitamin B, carbon phosphate & carbonate, acidophilus), plus a diet of no gluten, no dairy, no acidic foods and no sugar ...

I've started putting a little weight back on, and am feeling at least like I am making positive steps towards a solution. I too have always been a carb addict, so the 'no gluten' thing is really killing me!!!

:grrr: :grrr:

The most important thing that's come of it is a change in lifestyle ... I am now eating 3 times a day, away from the computer ... When I have some energy back I will start exercising again and will NEVER neglect my body again (you all heard me say it! i have to stick to it now!!)

As for losing weight, KK and Heather both said it, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume ... diets are all just fancy variations of this basic rule ...
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Old 01-14-2003   #21
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Originally posted by originalheather@Jan 13 2003, 11:44 PM
I personally believe that Atkins is downright dangerous. If I tried that diet now that I'm diabetic, it would probably kill me in short order. I have to wonder what happens to people with undiagnosed heart conditions when they start pounding all that fat and cholesterol. I tried that diet a few years ago, I felt miserable and couldn't stay on it, missed veggies too much.
Atkins really must have changed a lot in the past few years - I'd heard that it had but WOW - no veggies? It's now a LOW-carb not NO-carb thing. We are encouraged to eat 3 cups of veggies per day - I usually split mine as 2 cups of salad (1 with lunch, 1 with dinner) and a cup of broccoli, spinach or cauliflower with dinner as well. It's 20 carbs per day for 2 weeks then you gradually raise that by 5 carbs each week until you hit your optimum level. I found I could stay at 65 carbs per day and still lost about 1 pound per day.

If you haven't taken a look in awhile, look again at www.atkinscenter.com - there's even a section FOR diabetics. It's worth a peek.

Re: diabetics - fortunately they've really benefited from the low-carb craze. My niece has Juvenile Diabetes (they discovered it when she was a year-and-a-half old) and her parents can finally find low-carb sugar-free or low-sugar treats for her to have at school when the other kids are stuffing their faces with Twinkies. Mother's cookies, Archway cookies, Dryer's ice cream and even the folks that make Eskimo pies are just some of the companies that are making diabetic-friendly foods on a huge scale in the past few months. It's sad that it took a diet craze to do it, but it's great for those who have been missing out on those sweet treats.

Oh and speaking of jelly beans - have you seen Jelly Belly's SF line? I think they are up to 10-12 flavors now
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Old 01-14-2003   #22
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Wow, some awesome stories ladies!! Thanks!!

As with many of you, my adult life has basically consisted of diet, no diet, diet, no diet, diet, no diet...haha.

Amazing story Heather. I feel my body changing health wise and I don't like it one bit. I see heart attacks and diabetes everywhere....

After being diagnosed with diabetes, I found out that my greatest enemy is fat. It raises blood sugar way faster than sugar does.
THIS really surprised me. I had no idea!

My sister was a diabetic since she was 4 years old. I lived with her disease and know ALOT about diabetes...but I didn't know that!

I say my sister WAS a diabetic, because she no longer is. After many years of battling diabetes, my sister lost 1 1/2 eyes and her kidneys. Six years ago, my mother donated a kidney but it didn't take. Five years ago my sister finally got a double kidney/pancreas transplant. The donation was from a 10 year old boy who died of a massive Cerebral Hemorrhage.

This is his site:

And this is my sister's recipient story:

I am VERY aware of the danger diabetes poses. It is awesome to see that you are so aware of your disease and are coping with it properly. Kudos to you Heather. Don't ever let up!!

And since I'm on the subject.....if any of you are willing to be an organ donor, PLEASE DO! Get everything and anything you can signed now so that [God forbid] if anything ever happens, there is no confusion as to your wishes. You CAN save lives.

And now, it's bedtime.

Last edited by gigi at Jan 14 2003, 04:27 AM
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Old 01-14-2003   #23
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Originally posted by Rox@Jan 13 2003, 09:47 PM

If one of us could come up with the magical exercise program that could be done in front of the evil box, and melt away the Computer Butt Syndrome, we'd be rich!
There is!

They have these wheels with peddles attached like a bicycle. But instead of taking up a ton of room they fit under your desk so you can peddle away while you work...and when you get frustrated you can just peddle faster to burn off the stress!
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Old 01-14-2003   #24
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Originally posted by ShannonRush+Jan 14 2003, 09:11 AM-->
QUOTE (ShannonRush @ Jan 14 2003, 09:11 AM)

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Old 01-14-2003   #25
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Think swimming guys -- if you can find a YMCA, gym, swim club, etc near your house -- it's by far the best all around excercise I can think of, and I've done alot of excercising in my life --

It puts no stress on your joints compared even to walking, its can be done at your own pace, its great for both cardio and muscle building -- not to mention the muscles it builds are long and slim instead of short and bulked. You can do it alone, with a friend, with a group if you want to be competitive.

There are a ton of different swimming strokes so you shouldn't get bored either...
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Old 01-14-2003   #26
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For those of you looking to cut out sugar, I BEG you, please, please, PLEASE avoid Aspartame... it's fucking poison (and only one of MANY that the FDA turns a blind eye to in deference to the petro-chemical cartel and all their money).

The Standard American Diet ("SAD" - how fitting!) is a killer. Between the crap the supermarkets sell as "food," vaccination, and the overprescription of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical meds, our bodies and autoimmune systems are under such a chemical burden and that it's no wonder there's been an alarming rise in all sorts of diseases.

I've learned quite a bit over the past couple of years (some of you might recall that I was VERY sick a few years ago -- in fact, my illness and the treatment thereof is how I had time to start building porn sites), and have been able to not only lose weight, I've also stopped taking the prescription drugs I was told I'd have to take for the rest of my life for Crohn's Disease. I've not been very diligent in posting all my sources, but fortunately, one of my girlfriends has links to many of the same information. If you're interested, check out http://www.metafusium.com and get informed! Be warned, however... you may end up throwing out nearly everything in your cabinets (I did -- it was great. I have more room now!).

It's not only what we put through our digestive systems that is harmful, either. Shampoos, soaps, lotions, shaving cream, toothpaste, deodorant... nearly every personal hygiene product on the shelves of your local supermarket is literally brimming with things that are considered poisonous.

What pisses me off is that the drug companies and the FDA are leading Americans to believe that their chemicals and poisons are ok, and that even the side-effects are acceptable. And YET, nature's remedies like herbs, which have been effective for THOUSANDS of years, are made to look suspect and dangerous. And Americans fall for it. They don't mind risking "headache, diarrhea, sexual side effects or depression" in order to take Prozac or Paxil... but GOD FORBID they look to St. John's Wort for the alleviation of symptoms.

Better Living Through Chemistry -- MY ASS!!!

Oh, and I'm horribly behind in my "Healing Adventures" health blog, but it's here: http://justrox.com/yl/ if anyone's feeling voyeuristic

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Old 01-14-2003   #27
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Originally posted by Rox@Jan 14 2003, 12:15 PM
For those of you looking to cut out sugar, I BEG you, please, please, PLEASE avoid Aspartame... it's fucking poison (and only one of MANY that the FDA turns a blind eye to in deference to the petro-chemical cartel and all their money).
Once again - you are SO right Rox. Aspartame is poison. We've been using Splenda and Stevia since we started low-carbing and I tell you, I like the Splenda better. Not sure what affects it will found to have in the future, but right now I like it because it is actually MADE from sugar - and that's as close to natural as I can get without it actually being sugar.

Stevia is an interesting thing - actually a sweet herb (not that kind) that is awesome in cooking and baking.

Learning LOTS with low-carb - it's funny how we ALL turn a blind eye to things that our gut tells us is just bad.

And KK - you are dead on too. Swimming is THE best. Unfortunately even in the CA desert it's damned cold right now. Project for next year - get a heater in the damn pool. In the summer the pool gets too hot (the water temp was 100 when it was 120 outside) so I felt funny getting a heater, but I really miss the swimming.

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Old 01-14-2003   #28
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when I was low carbing I had to have my mom send me Splenda in the mail because we couldn't get it over here. I noticed last week that it is on the shelves now, it really tastes much better than the alternatives and you can bake with it.
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Old 01-14-2003   #29
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My pools not big enough or shaped right for laps kath, my old gym had a lap pool and I'm looking for a new one now -- it will be indoors so weather is irrelevant

One other thing -- low sodium chicken broth. The fat free kind.

Making rice? use it instead of water. Same with potato dishes. Baking or sauteing chicken, most anything but beef (in which case get beef broth), sub it instead of butter and water or sub it for butter or oil. Your food stays really moist, you don't get the cholesterol, fat, sodium, none of it. I use it to steam veggies instead of water as well. Just toss in some seasonings and its done, just like that.

If you've ever had fondue, try doing it with chicken broth, seasonings, and fresh fish, chicken, pork and veggies.

There is soooo much you can do with it to add flavor to food without adding bad stuff I could go on.

I am a carb loving girl, I can't get enough bread, pasta, rice, crackers (oh damn, cheese and crackers I could live on) and I have carbs every day in some form. I just try to eat a little instead of alot, and make sure to mix it up with protein, like a piece of grilled salmon and some rice. Now that I live alone (whew!) I can make it an reheat the leftovers the next day for lunch if I want.

Oh one last thing, if you're trying to lose weight -- alcohol. Carbs, sugar and calories, coupled with the urge to eat in most people. Bad, bad, bad.

I don't believe in saying anything is totally off limits -- if I want a Mint Milano cookie or some Breyers ice cream, I'll buy it. BUT... once I get a taste, if I don't think I can stop myself, I throw whats left in the trash. Immediately.
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Old 01-14-2003   #30
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I think I'll just tape a nude pic of kk to my fridge..that should do it. The BIATCH ate eggs benedict every night of the show and still looks like THAT. I say we lynch her, she's making us all look bad :P

And yeah, boys, we've seen her naked. Tits that high should be illegal.

I will sell a description for only 19.95 processed with Ibill LOL
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Old 01-14-2003   #31
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Sorry, but I missed Kath's post. Do what the hotels in Mexico do...put block ice in the pool in the summer, it really helps.
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Old 01-14-2003   #32
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Cmon Heather, I did fall asleep waiting on it one night and then had to look at it a few hours later, that was NOT pretty

Goes right back to that alcohol is bad thing, you drink, then you get hungry
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Old 01-14-2003   #33
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Swimming - Love it. I have a pool too but I'm in Canada Eh?...it's cold here in the winter...lol....my pool is closed right now...but I can't wait for spring!!

Splenda - Haven't tried it. Heard alot of good things about it....will have to see if I can get it here.

Stevia - Tried it. It's a neat alternative. I found it tasted a bit minty or licoricy or something though.

My friend has gone ALL organic. Nothing passes her lips unless it has underwent massive scrutiny first. I totally agree with you Rox, the chemicals in foods and other products we use is, quite frankly, SCARY!

Before I moved I ordered all my produce from an organic provider. It got delivered to my door every week. Talk about convenience. ;o)

But now that I have moved I haven't found another company in the area yet....hmm...maybe a new business opportunity?? hehe

Anyone ever tried going to an Ayurveda clinic? It's a holistic system that addresses body types and what is best for you. Very interesting stuff.
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Old 01-14-2003   #34
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Oh, and yes KK....alcohol is bad bad bad. But, at least that's one thing I don't have to worry about right now....hahaha
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Old 01-15-2003   #35
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Ayurveda is some interesting stuff. A very simple and basic approach that has been around a long, long time. I think Deepak Chopra describes it best and makes the most sense when talking about it. Very good reading.

I must say ladies, I've read this whole thread. I am impressed! It's time for me to get back to the gym and lose this 45 pounds I've been dragging around for the past three years...

edited for bad spelling. I'm so anal... hahaha

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Old 01-15-2003   #36
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OK gigi,

I just found a recipe tonight and thought of all of the other carboholics out there. They tout it as a mashed potatoes replacement.

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Old 01-15-2003   #37
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I've ordered from diamondorganics.com a lot.....they are AWESOME and delivered to Alaska
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Old 01-15-2003   #38
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jeez, nevermind, they dont deliver to Canada. How can they deliver to AK and not Canada? lol
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Old 01-15-2003   #39
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those of you low carbing...have you been to atkinsfriends.com when I was doing it I was there often. Great recipes and very helpful chat board.

I also have a page I threw up (yes it looks crap but makes money) a while back for low carb recipes -http://www.low-carb-food.com/ .

Skip the links on the front page that don't have 'recipe' after the name, they are just adverts.
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Old 01-15-2003   #40
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jeez, nevermind, they dont deliver to Canada. How can they deliver to AK and not Canada? lol
Import laws?
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Old 01-15-2003   #41
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Originally posted by originalheather@Jan 14 2003, 07:05 PM
Sorry, but I missed Kath's post. Do what the hotels in Mexico do...put block ice in the pool in the summer, it really helps.
That's actually a great idea! Thanks Heather - I know where I can get some too. The kids would get a kick out of that. lol Should be a great way to cheer them up when it hits the 120's.
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Old 01-15-2003   #42
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Originally posted by ShannonRush@Jan 14 2003, 09:49 PM
I just found a recipe tonight and thought of all of the other carboholics out there. They tout it as a mashed potatoes replacement.
Shannon - THANK YOU!

I'd *heard* about this idea, but had never seen the recipe. Awesome!

And Sara - thank you! I'll be checking out atkinsfriends.com and your website as well. Great idea throwing up a page like that. I did a "before and after" page for my LC support group (which will NEVER get posted anywhere to industry folks - lol) but that's a great idea doing a sales page. Why not make some $$$ off the craze?

Great info here ladies - thanks!
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Old 01-15-2003   #43
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exactly...I watch infomercials just to see what is the latest craze and head over to comission junction to gets reseller links. Only takes a couple minutes to do so if it doesn't make any money it isn't a problem.
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Old 01-15-2003   #44
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I saw LL in Vegas and OMG! does she look great or what?

I've lost 3 pants sizes since I've been in the business which is 3 years now. ONe more to go.!
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Old 01-15-2003   #45
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True, KK, you did fall asleep. The demure "leave me the fuck alone" you sweetly murmurred when I tried to wake you gave me the hint

I almost ate that benedict, but I wasn't in the mood to barf at 5:30 in the morning. Can't do muffins or ham..but I was tempted lol. It's so interesting when something gets "stuck". The last time that happened, I ran into the kitchen and ate some ice cream before I had to upchuck.

Hope no one's eating while reading lol.

Just for clarification, the lap band will not allow certain things to pass into my stomach. It ends up stuck in the esophagus and I have to uh, get rid of it. It's not like bulemia, though, I can't just decide to vomit, it decides for me. As long as I'm careful it's pretty rare. If I'm especially tense, nothing will go down, so I had to learn to be more relaxed.

This was a drastic procedure, not for people who are only chubby. I was pretty close to dead, though, so I'd rather have this little complication than be haunting Nick from a grave. :P

And Voo...you looked perfect to me
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Old 01-16-2003   #46
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Wow, what a great topic. I love carbs. I’m addicted to sugar. Since working in front of a PC I’ve gain a lot of weight. Just recently I was packing, moving and really busy running around. I dropped 5 lbs in less then a week. It’s more exercise for me but if I could cut out wheat, sugar & dairy, I’m sure I could pull it off.

I’ve lost weight on Atkins but find it damn hard to stay on it. I’m a veggie/fruit/rice lover and never really ate a lot of animal proteins. I did it for 6 weeks and dropped 30 lbs. When I stopped it all piled back on.

I’d love to hear from people who have been successful. I tired getting a group together but everyone was busy. Fat Adult Webmasters! Lol

I also notice that working in front of a PC all the time affects my back.
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