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Billy Graham Lives Here

Posted 06-04-2008 at 11:40 PM by gonzo
I think part of the reason the boys had me do this relocation was the fact that they knew I had become a bit of a social retard.

I thought I was well on the way to recovery but a recent sickness gave way to a reminder. The combination of being a retard and truely not giving a shit what anyone thinks about me doesnt help out a lot.

It started after a night with the CWDW at the local screening of Iron Man. Late night dinner wasnt in the cards so I mikeywaved a couple of Ball Park Franks - you remember those. They plump when you cook em.

2am rolls around and my body began to expel a combination of oral ash and anal peat moss.

Apparently I puke when I eat em.

So Saturday morning rolls around and Im back on solid food after a day of gastronimical hell.

And with a mall within striking distance this is no better bland meal to have than Chik Fil Et. So I pulled a clean teeshirt and rolled out to begin my trouble.

I noticed that Truet Kathy's lackies werent as cheerful as the ones in Atlanta - I attributed it to being at the snooty Mall that has boutiques like Nordstroms and an Apple store.

So I sat down for a recovery meal to crowd of scowling faces. Now I know I showered repeatedly in the last 24 hours ...must be the teeshirt and blue jeans.

I thought nothing more until a fellow asked me if I was from around there. I let him know that I had recently relocated right down the street to which he sneered it figures.

I looked at him with one of those WTF looks to which he replied. Your teeshirt. Its not appropriate for that mall.

Yes I had grabbed one of my colorful teeshirts - This one exclaimed... "Its Not Going to Lick Itself". As Mr Sneer try to testify to me...Momma Sneer pipped up from deep throating her Subway to contribute...
"Billy Graham Lives Here!"

To which I replied. "God Bless Billy...and Im sure he will tell you this is the Gods truth too!"

"Pray for me on Sunday - Christian Soilders!"
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