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Certified Samurai

Posted 04-26-2008 at 10:25 AM by gonzo
I have to admit. Im enjoying this change of venue up here in Charlotte.
Back in Atlanta we have our share of wierdos but the NC variety are a little less harmless and much more plentiful.

It seems you cant go out anywhere in this town without running into one -
And last night was no exception.

I met the crazy white devil woman over in a new part of town for some sushi. I should have realized this was a wierd part of town when the BiLo was knocked over earlier for a value pack of D cell Energizer batteries.

Somewhere a young ethnic thug's momma is a very happy camper.

So I hooked up with the CWDW and her global pal Flavia [who is no relation to the coffee maker in the break room] at RuSan's of Charlotte. There was much sushi consumed and a couple bottles of white sweet cold sake.

If youve never been to RuSans you wont understand the level of noise or the reason why had to go outside. The mexican sushi staff become quite noisy when a good looking woman comes in. I think its a show of appreciation like those construction crews you see on TV loudly oogling the women as they walk by.

Yes they whistle and raise all sorts of hell in what has to be described as Mexican japanese. So when they see a fat boy come in with 2 women that noise increases.

Add to that that the Crazy White Devil Woman is working on perfecting her brigitte nielsen hairdo it was so damn noisy that we were forced outside to finish up that sake.

As we were polishing off the final bottle Kid Rock and his entourage stumbled by paying their respects as they went to drink some Italian wine on top of the sake. I figured it was one of those fucked up things that they did around here.

As the bottle was being emptied we recapped last weeks adventure with the tweeking teacher to Flavia [who is no relation to the coffemaker in the breakroom]. And how nice it was to have avoided a new adventure this evening. I of course pointed out that the night wasnt over yet.

Enter Nate Dog.

Kid Rock and his slam date come slithering back by with the 3rd wheel who takes the chance to stop and regale us with his grand tales. The only thing the guy was missing was Abomb's tired worn out single Tommy Bahama luckily I had just paid the tab.

Nathan was quick to show off his epicurean knowledge with rapid questions on the type of sake we where having as he gave us a detailed list of the types he had consumed prior to his exit.

Once he started he couldnt stop as we learned that this guy was a showman, a world traveller and a might accomplished divorce lawyer. You see we didnt know who we were messing with... he was NateDog.

This time it wasnt a question of what kind of work we did he was more concerned that he might meet us in a courtroom and smite us as his enemies.

You see Nate Dog here was a certified samurai and with a word he could walk in and "clear out" RuSans. Thank God the CWDW didnt ask for a demonstration.

She did however tell him that he was creepy. Which sounded the "quittin time whistle and brought an end to all the boasting.

Dos tip to myself - No industry shows for women who are as blunt and outspoken as I am. They will get your ass killed!

Im not so sure which was worse out of the 2 outings. The adventure after I tell people what we do or enduring the epic boasting of those that have much more interesting jobs.

My guess is I havent seen shit yet.

We are all supposed to go see this Johnny Cash fest with all cover bands at some place that sells farm equipment. Im certain with PBR on tap that I need to bring a camera for this one.
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