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Holy Church of the Crystal

Posted 06-19-2008 at 02:31 PM by gonzo
Updated 06-19-2008 at 10:46 PM by gonzo

Lunch time at this job has proven to be the most interesting of any Ive ever had.

I dont go out very often ...matter of fact I worked from home for 3.5 years and didnt go out a dozen times during that span.

But an office environment has a different dynamic that my old home office.

Yesterday I went to lunch with April Lemiuex [not Young April King] and Big Bill [husband of adult star Victoria Givens]. They persuaded me to try out a new buffet at the Mens Club here with over 70 items on the bar. The Mens Club you might have guessed is a "gentlemen's club" which reminded me of the old Gold Club back in Atlanta.

What other job can you go to lunch and look at nekkid women for LEGIT business research. Im certain this will be a weekly outing.

Some of you must be thinking so what?

Today I was able to top that outing by going to the Holy Church of the Crystal for lunch. Its regular name is The Home Economist which when I thought was a furniture store but instead is one of those "healthy, natural, alternative markets".

And like yesterday if theres a chance to try out some new food then Im not scared.
The food isnt so much the story as is the entertainment.

The Crazy White Devil Woman as always delivers the entrtainment. I can see why it takes up her entire lunch hour when she goes to visit a store full of tree huggers and crystal crunchers.

She likes it because everyone is so nice to her. They are nice to her because they are getting a premium price for "natuiral and healthy foods' like $4 for a smoothie drink.

I cant remember why she had me roaming thru the store with one of the twinks but in the end she was convinced to get a foot massage.

The massage lady reminded me of going to one of those chiropractors that want you to get adjusted to cure everything from a cold to cancer. They say all you have to do is make frequent visits to keep you [and them] healthy.

I wont post the picture I took of her in the reclining lawn chair getting a foot massage in the grocery store though.

Call me skeptical but if the foot massage was a "cure all" then why does this woman have to bring her lawnchair to a grocery story to pitch business?

I do believe that if it makes you feel good then you should do it. But if your really sick - GO TO A FUCKING DOCTOR. Cracking my back isnt going to help a case of food poisoning or double pnemonia.

In the end though the food was pretty tasty and the floor show was very entertaining!
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I think I only qualfied for a prostate massage cuz I was skeptical.
Posted 06-19-2008 at 03:17 PM by gonzo gonzo is offline
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