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I Sell Pussy Too!

Posted 05-07-2008 at 09:09 AM by gonzo
You never know when or where you will run into someone that is popular with the media. Anyone can be a star it seems with the popularity of the web combined with YouTube and personal blogs.

Last night I brushed against of of them TV star types at Maggianos in Charlotte,NC.

You can tell when someone is either a Z list star or they are just looking for be seen a lot of times by the way they are dressed.

I was having dinner at the bar because its way easier to get a seat there and the lady tending bar there gives a lot better service than the dining room.

So here I sit when this big balded headed guy asks me "What does it takes to get a drink in here?". I look up and hes wearing this big denum shirt with a pink HBO cathouse logo on the back and a sparkly hat that I recognize from Air Force Amy's web site.

I told Dennis..."I got this." And the bartender did indeed whip up his drink order along with his "escort".

I dont know how long he had been standing there but it must have been longer than his ego and dignity could handle. Once someone recognized who he was ... Dennis Hof shined that Vegas smile!

He thanked me and asked me how I knew who he was. What he didnt know is that I had met him and spole to him briefly when he and one of his PR whores were trying to get CJ and I to interview him on Oprano Radio. Even back then he couldnt understand why webmasters wouldnt be interested in what he had to say.

He'd give us all a discount!

Instead of getting into all of that I just told him , "I sell pussy too!". Apparently Dennis' understanding of the web still isnt up to date as he wondered where the whorehouses were in Charlotte,NC.

I explained to the big man that I worked for one of the worlds largest porm companies that was a mere 5 minutes from where we stood.

Of course when the topic changed when I asked what he was doing in town.

It seems that he and Ron Jeremy were in town for some kind of Best of Cathouse promotion at The Mens Club which is 5 minutes the other way from the office.

About that time one of the managers came over to see if he could get me anything. I told him yes that he could get Dennis Hof a table!

The manager didnt know who he was except for "that guy" but Dennis loudly proclaimed who he was much to the delight of some og the gents at the bar as well as disgust of others.

I took this chance to pay up my tab and get out of there. I noticed when I walked back by the restuarant on the outside that Dennis had requested a table on the patio - far away from some of the hostile locals.

I guess they werent buying.
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Rcourt64's Avatar
How are they dressed?
Posted 05-07-2008 at 04:19 PM by Rcourt64 Rcourt64 is offline
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