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Old 11-06-2002   #1
Cantankerous Loony
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OK - It is pretty obvious that the first thing getting rubber stamped for DumboYa is Turning Iraq into the 51st State - possibly to be named Exxon

What will be next ?

The never ending line of Ashcroft clones waiting for confirmation of their federal bench appointments ?

Drilling of Oil in the Wildlife refuges ?

Roe V Wade is overturned ?

Online porn becomes the next major threat to "Homeland Security" ? (Lets not forget that on 9-12, they were already saying terrorists were using pornographic images to communicate with each other)

Gay and or Lesbian lifestyle becomes a federal crime ?

Detention of suspects without evidence is expanded to include US citizens ?

Jerry Fallwell is appointed to the newly formed cabinet level position "Minister of National Morality" ?

Before I get too fried for being a left wing extremist here is my presidential voting record

Regan - Bush Sr - Perot - Lost interest because I realized that my vote is truely meaningless because of too many pea brained party line voters that have not had an original thought since 1947

When the pendulum swings too far from the middle - BAD THINGS HAPPEN - I am not saying everything will be bad, but bad things will happen.

I am not sure a $300 a year tax break will cover the personal freedoms I am going to lose

"Anyone who sacrifices liberty for security, deserves neither" - Ben Franklin

:P :P :P :P :P
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Old 11-06-2002   #2
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Anybody who isn't concerned at all with the potential overreaching of this administration and it's social agenda is frankly an idiot.

As you say, Roe v Wade is in danger. That enough is something to worry about. Of course 90% of Republicans run to an abortion clinic when they knock up a chick or one of their kids do the same.

An assault on Internet porn is a given. That has been made public for a long time by Ashcroft and the president.

I am glad though that Bush and not Gore is in the White House and that
he has control of Congress. Because right now the most important thing is
securing everybody's security and sending every last terrorist and terrorist supporter back into the Stone Age. The Democrats are naive pussies.
I am all for taking Iraq and most of all I want Saudi Arabia punished severely, i want the free world to have their oil. Backstabbing fucking bitches who are nothing but parasites who caught a break when it turned millions and millions of barrels of crude oil laid underneath their land.

To win a larger war, good people are going to lose smaller wars to the fucking religious right.

Maybe the fear many of us have of many in the Bush administration is misplaced or we're exaggerating it? I don't think so, i think there's plenty to be fearful of.
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Old 11-06-2002   #3
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If you didn't vote, you really have nothing to say. As for your (beyond wild) theories for the future, I don't believe they are even in the realm of possibility.

Just for the record, less than 50% of the women in this country support abortion on demand; far fewer support the idea of tax-payer-financed abortions.

You lost...GET OVER IT! You allied yourselves with an ideology which is a known enemy of this country; and even people who you had counted on historically had enough.
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Old 11-06-2002   #4
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Originally posted by Torone@Nov 6 2002, 07:43 AM
If you didn't vote, you really have nothing to say. As for your (beyond wild) theories for the future, I don't believe they are even in the realm of possibility.

Just for the record, less than 50% of the women in this country support abortion on demand; far fewer support the idea of tax-payer-financed abortions.

You lost...GET OVER IT! You allied yourselves with an ideology which is a known enemy of this country; and even people who you had counted on historically had enough.
Torone, OldJeff is no more ridiculous in his assumptions - and in fact is probably closer to the mark than the normal, run-of-the-mill rant you go off into about the Democrats. Your information about women's opinion on abortion is probably from the same source that told you Pat Buchannan was the darling of the 700 Club.

I don't care if you want to continue to lie, continue to deliberatly misrespresent, or if you want to gloat about the election results. But when you get to this
You allied yourselves with an ideology which is a known enemy of this country
, you remove any doubt about the true depth of your ignorance or the magnitude of your irrelveance. Understand something - this doesn't have shit to do with election results "sour grapes."

You want to disagree with me, fine. You want to question my patriotism, shove it up your ass.
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Old 11-06-2002   #5
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Originally posted by Torone@Nov 6 2002, 07:43 AM
You allied yourselves with an ideology which is a known enemy of this country; and even people who you had counted on historically had enough.
Torone, what in the hell could you possibly be talking about? Please tell me exactly what ideology the Democrats have aligned themselves that is an enemy of this country.

That seems like an incredibly moronic, one-sided, narrow minded statement.

It may very well be an enemy of YOUR personal beliefs, but that does NOT make it an enemy of the state. Let me bring you down to earth and back to reality. There are an inifinite number of opinions out there that will disagree with you or anyone else for that matter. That does not mean they are "the enemy". Trust me...your opinion is not worth more than anyone elses, as long as you realize that you should be fine.

You may or may not agree, but I believe multiple beliefs and opinions are good. They are good for society and the well being of humanity in general. They help create a balance and keep narrow minded individuals with agendas from gaining too much power. That is why our country has been successful, and will continue to be successful.

I voted last night. I only voted for 1 democrat on the entire ballot. I am not a democrat. I lean towards the Libertarian party, because they make me less nervous than anyone else.
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Old 11-06-2002   #6
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Pd knows what I meant, because he is a Lib. If you aren't one, you might not understand that the Liberals (of either party) are allying themselves with people who believe in the community control of the means of production as well as everything else. They want to call it 'progressive'. Other places, it is called Socialism; but in the old USSR, and in places like mainland China, well...

BTW, don't let them tell you that it is no longer an enemy of this country. Ask Serge.
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Old 11-06-2002   #7
Mike AI
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Again... the liberals lose and they all come out the woodwork trying to scare everyone.

If its not overturning roe v wade, it is the religious zealots taking over, or maybe starving senior citzens but cutting social security, or maybe harming children by cutting back fed education.

You guys just do not get it.... the liberal media and democrates have tried to scare the American people for over 50 years. IT is no longer working. Republicans - for the most part - especially BUSH are quite moderate and do nothing wacko...

They will take care of business however as it regards to our National Defense and that includes kicking Iraqs ass...

and even if Bush would try to make Iraq teh 51st state - isn't that better then Iraq being a terrorsit rogue nation with weapons of mass destruction ready to use them against us?

Keep it up.... I am laughing my ass off!!!

WE WON!!!!!!!!


Keep sending the doom and gloomers on TV.... it only helps Conservatives.

No one likes poor sports, poor losers, crybabies and those who cry wolf!


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Old 11-06-2002   #8
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Here come the fear mongers!!! We'll all be goose-stepping and saluting Heir Ashcroft before the year's out!


Let me tell you why Republican Victory was a benevolent Act of God:

Judicial Nominees.

The leftists judges are completely lawless as we saw in New Jersey this year and Florida in 2000. Here is a great article on that from the Wall Street Journal today. In fact, let's talk about the Ninth Circuit Trifecta:

We don't know if it's a record, but the Supreme Court on Monday reversed the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals not once, not twice, but three times. Three reversals in a single day is a remarkable accomplishment even by the exalted standards of the Ninth Circuit, the most reversed federal court in the land.

In judicial circles the Ninth Circuit operates as a kind of court jester, making you laugh when you really ought to cry. Among its greatest hits is last summer's ruling that the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional because it contains the words "under God." The ultra-liberal court sits in San Francisco, naturally, and hears appeals from California, Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington.

Monday's reversals were especially notable because they involved matters the Supreme Court doesn't usually weigh in on -- two habeas corpus appeals brought by murderers convicted in state court, and one immigration case. They were also all summary reversals, which means the High Court decided to reverse without even hearing written briefs or oral argument. And they were unanimous, which means that even the four liberal justices couldn't abide the Ninth Circuit's creative judging.

Federal courts should intervene, the Court said in one of the habeas cases, "only when a state-court decision is objectively unreasonable. It is not that here." In the immigration case, in which the Ninth Circuit reversed a ruling by the Board of Immigration Appeals, the Supreme Court said Ninth Circuit "seriously disregarded the agency's legally mandated role." This is all basic stuff: Federal appeals courts aren't supposed to make the law; they're appointed to uphold it.

Which raises a point about judicial confirmations. Democratic Senators Pat Leahy and Chuck Schumer have condemned President Bush's appeals-court nominees for lacking ideological "balance." Well, the latest Supreme Court smackdown shows that it is hard to be further "outside the mainstream" than the Ninth Circuit. So can we assume the Democratic Senators will start confirming conservatives for that court?
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Old 11-06-2002   #9
Mike AI
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HAHA Buff I am glad you are here, I can rest my fingers some now!!

Right on the mark!!!

The left always want to portray conservatives/republicans as nazis, and how they want to destroy everything that is good about this country, will steal all your rights, etc.... etc...

democrats are running on empty they policies have been rejected by the people, so now they try to run as moderates and by slamming conservatives - well that apparently no longer works either!!

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Old 11-06-2002   #10
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You know a court is out in left field when the 4 leftists on the Supreme Court overturn them 3 times in one fucking day.
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Old 11-06-2002   #11
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Democrats' policies have been rejected by the people? Riiiiiiiiiiiight. More of that "landslide" victory mentality. I want you and the rest of the Republicans to keep thinking that. Did you beat us, or did we beat ourselves by trying to be too much like you? What was the average margin of victor? Something like 52/48? With a landslide like that, you are now invincible. Keep thinking it, please.

Buffy, long time no see! Ranting and raving about the bad leftie Judges is fine. Since this is a porn board, after all, do you think the Judicial appointees by the new administration will be fair-minded when it comes to issues related to the adult industry?

Torone - I know exactly what you are saying. I'll be happy to admit that I am a communist the minute you admit you are a fucking moron.

Last edited by PornoDoggy at Nov 6 2002, 05:59 PM
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Old 11-06-2002   #12
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You are totally incorrigible! First, you are what you are. To your precious Libs, you do not, as an individual, exist. THEY are the ones whose patriotism I question. To them, you are simply and only part of a voting bloc (note the spelling). I don't think you are a Commuist; but I DO think that the Liberal politicians are completely aware that they have allied themselves with the CPUSA. I also kow that the reason Communism keeps coming back is that every now and then, some asshole pol thinks he sees a different angle that can make it work. In every case, it ends the same...the very workers who backed it and then were enslaved rise up and throw it out.

The Dems are fear-mongering at a bad time (for their party). What will happen when those fears don't come true? There will be no return to the 'back of the bus', no collars being forged, no starving children, and no cuts in the Social Security. Old people will not be euthanised (like my brother-in-law was in that Socialist bastion to the north). The Dems have threatened Social Security cuts every election, and the checks only get larger. None of their (public) predictions have come true.

I believe that there should be a two-party system; but I DO NOT think that either party should attempt to subvert or do away with our Constitution. If that begins happening, it would provoke me and a lot of other Americans to violence. I would sincerely hope to see you beside me.
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Old 11-06-2002   #13
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Perhaps tomorrow, If I have time, I shall commence your re-education.
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Old 11-07-2002   #14
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>>What was the average margin of victor? Something like 52/48?

That doesnt sound like a Landslide to me, that looks like the country is split down the middle with slight hang to the right.

Do you like Wine ?

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...
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Old 11-07-2002   #15
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>> The Dems have threatened Social Security cuts every election, and the checks only get larger.

Torone, if i didnt know better you'd like you on SS benefits

Do you like Wine ?

Originally Posted by Nickatilynx
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...
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Old 11-07-2002   #16
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Democrats' policies have been rejected by the people? Riiiiiiiiiiiight. More of that "landslide" victory mentality. I want you and the rest of the Republicans to keep thinking that. Did you beat us, or did we beat ourselves by trying to be too much like you? What was the average margin of victor? Something like 52/48? With a landslide like that, you are now invincible. Keep thinking it, please.

Buffy, long time no see! Ranting and raving about the bad leftie Judges is fine. Since this is a porn board, after all, do you think the Judicial appointees by the new administration will be fair-minded when it comes to issues related to the adult industry?
I, for one, don't think the people have rejected the policies of the left so much as they have rejected the leaders and attitude of the left. My guess is that the Wellstone "memorial service" political rally in Minnesota and the blatant suspension of the rule of law by the New Jersey Supreme Court disgusted a lot of moderate and a few liberal Americans. I think Americans still want their government handouts and very limited personal responsibility. But, I think that in the wake of 9/11, the average American is a little bit less tolerant of blantant, unmitigated arrogance and total disregard of honor and tact.

As for judges, I think it's a lot safer for the porn industry to have judges who strictly adhere to the Constitution, specifically the 1st Amendment, than to have judges who show a penchant for ignoring law and legislating from the bench with a flair for arbitrary and capricious rulings.

Are you somehow trying to justify the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals' decisions? I hope not. Trust me, you don't want to ally with them.

Last edited by Buff at Nov 7 2002, 12:47 AM
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Old 11-07-2002   #17
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Originally posted by slavdogg@Nov 7 2002, 12:59 AM
>> The Dems have threatened Social Security cuts every election, and the checks only get larger.

Torone, if i didnt know better you'd like you on SS benefits
somehow, your post failed to make sense. However, I can assure you that I am NOT on SS. I AM old, though, and have many friends who are. They are upset about what Clinton did (raising taxes on SS benefits); but they are the ones telling me that about the checks. They DO say they would like the checks to get even larger; but that's just because they have a hard time getting by on $950/mo.
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Old 11-07-2002   #18
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Honestly, the US appears to be perfectly split, give of take a few points... and those few percentage points can come from the color of the candidates hair to the size of his wife's boobs.

Did the dems fuck up this time around? Yup. Without some fuckups, we would be having this same discussion 2% the other way. Not because more people beleive in the policies one way or another, but becuase of a comment, an approach, or a situation.

It's really too bad. Now all the power is on one side, and I expect to see 24 months of total (but subtle) abuse of that power.

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