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Importance of Link Popularity

Posted 01-02-2008 at 08:27 AM by DragonKing
Forget the pretty little overrated page rank bar. It's only use is for bragging and selling text links, which now get you penalized anyway.

Think Link Popularity! If your playing Google it's a must to get any kind of traffic from this engine. Trading links dates back fro the beginning of the web and still hold true as the most important "free" way to gain ground in search results.

The next or as important is content!
If you have the most informative site online, your job is half done. One of the keys to bringin in new links is having a well-designed site. If you go after link exchanges & your site looks like it belongs in the seventees, you're going to be hard-pressed to find any takers. People don't have all the room in the world to add links on their site. You need to provide a site that is worth linking to. On the flip side, you should find link partners with quality sites of their own.

Link popularity is not just about quantity, but quality. Certainly, it is a good idea to have a great number of links coming in, but search engine spiders also take into account the quality of those links: i.e. how many sites link to the site that links to you. Spiders hold a premium on sites that link to you without a corresponding reciprocal link. When search engine spiders surf your site, they're looking for the type of content that you have on your site & the number of links going both in and out.

An easy way to start building' link popularity is to add your site to a number of link lists or directories. These directories may or may not require a reciprocal link. The higher the quality of the directory, the more the directory listing' will be worth. Really, you should spend a good amount of time adding your site to as many directories as possible. Look for other immediate avenues for link building' as well—post in forums, on blogs, or create a blog of your own. All of these will be indexed by search engines, which will help increase your ranking.

That being said,
I'd like to open a link trade offer with anyone interested. I've got a great celebrity blog that is very active and get spiderd daily.
If you'd like to trade main page permanent text links post a comment or even better drop me a line dragon at badboysmedia.com
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