Oprano -> The best of Oprano -> Check Out the New Oprano Gear ... Want some? ;)

Check Out the New Oprano Gear ... Want some? ;)

Written by: Newton


Questions have been asked about new points / power listings under their Username .. in tandem with the points we have decided to introduce a new set of giveaways to you fine ladies and gentlemen

The points can be donated to other users who you deem have made a quality post, or removed if you think its pure unadulterated shite. You guys choose who gets the points and ultimately the options to exchange these points for the New Oprano Gear ...

Only users who have accrued 50 posts can donate or retract points from other users, with users being able to donate/retract 1 point at a time and mods have the ability to add/delete 5 points at any given time to users ...

New Oprano Gear is as follows ...

200 points can be exchanged for an Oprano Branded Travel Mug - Perfect with the winter and indeed the busy season approaching, the need for a hot beverage next to the pc at all times is a pre-requisite.

400 points can be exchanged for an Oprano Branded Cap - Embroided I might add and not this cheap plastic shit. Very soft and luxurious with a suede brim. For the discrete and fashion conscious man or woman about town, this is both practical and elegant.

600 points will get you an Amazon Gift Certificate - Which you can use for anything that Amazon stocks, whether it be, dvds, cd's, videos and books and ideal for additional xmas treats.

800 points will get you a TshirtHell Gift Certificate - Whether you are looking to for tshirts, long sleeve tshirts, hoodies, babydolls, strapless spaghetti thingies or attire to impress and insult these are for you. Excellent for the extended families at Xmas

Mods can be bribed and it is strongly encouraged to do so .. Mods will be also be giving out Freebies on occasion to those who we think have deserved them, without them coming off their point totals

So let the salutations and bitching commence

To read more from this article, please follow this link: http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=43587


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