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Old 03-10-2009   #1
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Default WebQuest Punks out Vivid ?

Tell me it aint so Ken Lawson???

Ryan Razer writes on www.lukeford.com: When you get a new client what you want to do is work hard to make them happy. You think of all the ways you can do just that. In terms of the Internet you typically think of all the ways you can get them more traffic and well while that is normally a good idea, is it really the brightest thing in the world to go about doing that by pouching the client list of an existing account?

Do let me explain because this story gets really good.

WebQuest has been running the Vivid Cash program for a few years now on behalf of Vivid Entertainment. In short they are the guy who run all the Internet based stuff for Vivid. They started this project in early 2006 and like any new toy or relationship, things started off great with tons of updates including weekly updates of sales tools for Vivid’s webmasters. By September of that year however all the updates stopped. There began to be a lot of technical errors with the official Vivid webmaster as well during this time including a lot of problems with the members photo galleries. The program would go months and months without so much as one sales tools update for the Vivid webmasters. With all the other affiliate programs out there getting weekly and in some cases daily updates, not Vivid Cash. Their affiliates were flat out being ignored.

During most of 2007 there were no real updates to speak of for almost the entire year. How can one go an entire year without any real attention being given to sales tools and nobody over at Vivid notice? Well it’s true. This is exactly what happened and even worse is that another full year would go by, all of 2008 without any affiliate sales tools updates as well. Contact information would be invalid on their website and emails and other communication would go unanswered for weeks.

A phone call was made to the Vivid offices directly to inform them of what was going on once in 2007, once again in 2008 and once more in 2009. Each time the person at Vivid pretended to care, said they would look into it but in reality all they did was call Webquest directly who made up one excuse after another, and nothing got resolved. Three times they did the exact same thing. So what do you think the people over at Vivid will have to say about the latest problem with the Vivid Cash program and that is theft. No doubt if someone was to call and report it these fuckers would just pretend to care then call Webquest to let them lie up a storm about it or make up even more excuses. I mean as if the last few years of bullshit haven’t been enough.

You know I should point out I could be wrong here. I mean for all I know someone over at Vivid could have authorized this. But I would venture to guess that nobody over at Vivid authorized the pouching of their client list for a new Webquest account. It’s not like Vivid is in the business of purposely losing money.

Let me be clear here, so we all understand what exactly it is that happened here. Webquest sent out a letter today to all Vivid Cash affiliates and suggested they promoted Sunny Leone and her new website and affiliate program.

So what’s the big deal? I mean Sunny Leone is a former Vivid girl, right?

Well yes, Sunny Leone is a former Vivid girl but in the end Vivid is a business. If those Vivid clients are sending their traffic to Sunny Leone, they can’t send it to Vivid and that means it directly takes money away from Vivid’s bottom line. Do you really think anyone at Vivid would authorize them losing money on purpose?

Why would Vivid purposely hurt their bottom line? They wouldn’t. I called a friend over at Vivid who said he has no idea what I’m talking about. To the best of his knowledge Vivid would never authorize the release of their client list for Sunny Leone or any Vivid Girl, past, present or future. It’s just not good business practice but he couldn’t say for sure on the situation. All he knew what that the only person capable of authorizing something like that would be Steven Hirsch.

So in the end Webquest took Vivid’s client list and used it to promote their new account (Sunny Leone) and her website and her affiliate program. This means that every new person they get to sign up for Sunny Leone’s new affiliate program sends their traffic to her, they can no longer send it to Vivid. This means that Vivid’s pretty new website now has less traffic, which means less sales. I should also point out that Vivid’s new website doesn’t even include a webmaster / affiliate link to promote the Vivid Cash program so it is almost like they are going out of their way not to get new affiliates for Vivid.
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