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Old 03-12-2008   #122
Working on a "clone" of Pornotube
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Default Re: Shelleehale your site is screwed up in IE6

Originally Posted by 2MuchMark View Post
Here you go Hammer! (Note that we included your post in the left-hand monitor)

Once again, Shellee, Where is your PROOF? Oh and nice job talking to Kedra on the phone just now. You said you had PROOF, so Where is it?

Gonzo, I think you need to point your LIAR rants in a new direction.

OWNED, Shellee. OWNED, Gonzo.

Oh and everyone, Kedra is a GREAT Converter and makes webmasters lots of money. You really need to send her your traffic. (Hey - at least someone can beniifit from the shitfest that this thread has become!)

Cheers all!

Mark Prince
Well Mark as you might be aware I don't show all my cards at once. Some cards I am waiting to use in a more appropriate forum.. Now if you were recording the call or something then why don't you just post it for everyone to hear I pretty much laid out your whole scam to Kedra which is why she was crying. She has been selling this for you and I don't think she felt very good about selling a license to people for you to have a venue to steal from them.

All I can say is at my second conference I was warned in detail about you from another victim and since then they have come out of the wood work one by one, I hung on as long as could to gather as much evidence as possible and will use it as I please.

For anyone that is going to say then take legal action... let me reply with this suing Mark Prince who doesn't even own a home would be like walking to the toilet and tearing up the cash to flush away - He is worthless and he has so many victims a class action suit which is warranted would net me nothing but headaches a lot like these little rants that waste my time.
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