View Full Version : Trueteenbabes.com

01-08-2003, 10:03 PM
This is amazing. This site has many underage girls
in, well, not so revealing, but pretty skimpy outfits.
James Grady, owner of the site suffered 880 counts
of pornography.
Now, all the models on this site had letters that had
been signed by their parents permitting them to model
for this site.

Anyone know anything about this?
Any thoughts on right or wrong?

I for one think no matter how much or how little the
model shows, its wrong to exploit underage girls and
maybe the parents really didnt know what their kids
where getting into.

01-08-2003, 10:59 PM
I have a friend whos daughter has a "Teen site" the girl is 12 and her mother has her believing that the 4000+ a month members that she has are all teens who look up to her as some kind of icon of the times. Then why is it that her banners have to be in a bikini and state that she is 12!?

Either she is in total denial of the whole ped thing or she is trying to make her daughter pay for her own college...the hard way.

BTW...the girls site is on a banner exchange with 'lil amber and is maintained and hosted by the same people.

Nuf said? I'll put away my soapbox now.


01-09-2003, 08:31 AM
Bad enough, exploiting kids; but he sold a lot of content with false documentation. I even bought some of it; and had to dump it.

Wish I could remember the name of the company...Lpro or something like that.

Last edited by Torone at Jan 9 2003, 08:47 AM

01-09-2003, 11:26 PM
I don't think blokes should be encouraged to look at young young girls as sex objects

and just because the parents signed something means to me they are bad parents and the law should be there to protect children from the parents as well as losers that try and sell their pics to pedos for profit