Oprano -> The best of Oprano -> Why build an adult freesite?

Why build an adult freesite?

Written by: MorganGrayson


All your life you're told to do your best work. I'm about to tell you to stop.

Remember always: you are *not* building a site to entertain surfers. Your site isn't supposed to be pretty, or laden with content, or getting your surfer off.

Your surfer is *not* your client. Never in the history of the internet has a surfer ever sent a check to a webmaster.

Your sponsors are your clients.

Think of yourself as an internet marketing firm rather than someone who builds websites. You are marketing your sponsors. You are a business that makes money by "selling" your sponsors to your surfers.

You want surfers to come to your site in droves...then get the hell off your site as fast as possible and go to your sponsors. If they stay and hang around all they're doing is enjoying your pretty pictures and eating up your bandwith.

One of the most difficult ideas for a novice webmaster to let go of is making the site "nice for the surfer." That's the absolute *last* thing you want to do. *Never* put "bookmark this site!" on a simple free site. You don't want this surfer coming back again and again to jack off to your pics. If he doesn't click on a sponsor banner or one of your link trade buttons, he can go the hell away and leech off somebody else.

1. You are a business.
2. You are an internet marketing business selling your sponsor.
3. All your "content" does is get the surfer to your site, but it must be your marketing skills that get him off the site and to your sponsor.
4. With the exception of the 20 thumbs you must have, there should be absolutely no link on your site that doesn't get you either a chance at a sale or traffic.

We'll chat again. Have a good day.

To read more from this article, please follow this link: http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=43224


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