Oprano -> The best of Oprano -> Negative board personas.

Negative board personas.

Written by: Dravyk


Ok, there's four kind of board posters.

First, those who pretty much are the way they are. The bulk of people, IMHO.

Second, those who hide being bastards by appearing as good folks on the boards. Wolves in sheeps clothing.

These two are easy to understand.

Next, you got The Posers ...

Those trying to be tougher than they are. Aka, keyboard warriors.

And those trying to pass themselves off as being richer than they are. Wannabe playas.

Annoying as those are, at least most people can on some level understand why they do that. To try to fit in, to try to be more than they are.

What I don't get is the fourth kind of poster, the "Reverse Posers" ...

I just read where Cory says Brand0n is a nice guy in person. I've heard for years Brad Shaw is a nice guy in person by no less than a dozen folks. We keep reading or hearing about how this one here, that one there are "nothing like they are on the boards", that they are "nice in person".

In short ... WTF???

Why are there people who purposely cultivate negative board personas? What's the advantage in pissing people off, in making people not want to do business with you? Why do they do it?

To read more from this article, please follow this link: http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=43351


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