2257 Compliance questions.
Written by: MorganGrayson
We received a question from a newbie that I would like to have clarified for myself.
We all know that US law ends at our borders - despite the tendency of the US Government to arrogantly feel otherwise. However, there are content providers and sponsors still using content they label as "exempt." They suggest webmasters post on their sites "this content is exempt from 2257."
My advice to the newbie was to avoid such content like the plague.
I was out of the business when 2257 first hit and therefore am quite vague on some of the fine points. I can follow simple directions, however, as in "don't use it unless it comes with 2257 Compliance Information."
My questions:
What causes some providers/sponsors to declare the content is exempt?
Wouldn't posting "this content is exempt" be like a magnet to anyone who'd like to arrest a webmaster? As one can not prove a negative, how would the webmaster ever prove the content is exempt?
And finally, can someone give me a clear, concise paragraph that sums up the 2257 regulation as it applies to freesite webmasters for me to post in the newbie lounge to answer the questions of novice webmasters who have even less of a grasp of it than I do as to what this is all about?
To read more from this article, please follow this link: http://www.oprano.com/msgboard/showthread.php?t=43597