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Old 05-14-2013   #2
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Default Re: I didn't think it was possible but...

Originally Posted by RawAlex View Post
FFN has managed to exceed even my expectations, the stock dropping to a record low of 32 cents at one point in the last few sessions, right now at 37 cents. You can buy the whole mess for 12 million.

I can only wonder how long it will be before the delisting action starts. I am guessing a reverse 100 for 1 stock split will be next, trying to get the value to stay over $1 for a while.
The Hungarians had a similar problem after ww2.....

Adópengő [edit]
Main article: Hungarian adópengő
The adópengő (lit. "tax pengő") was introduced on 1 January 1946 as an accounting unit for budget planning. However, from 8 July 1946, it was allowed to be used as a legal tender. It was intended to retain its value as the pengő's fell. However, although its value rose dramatically relative to the pengő (finally reaching 2×1021 pengő), the adópengő nevertheless suffered severely from inflation. In July 1946, the adópengő became the only circulating currency as the value of pengő fell to such an extent that even the 100 million b.-pengő note was effectively worthless.

End of the pengő [edit]
The Hungarian economy could only be stabilized by the introduction of a new currency, and therefore, on 1 August 1946, the forint was reintroduced at a rate of 400 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 (400 octillion) = 4×1029 pengő, therefore the total amount of circulating pengő notes had a value of less than 0.1 fillér. The exchange rate to adópengő was set at 200 000 000 = 2×108 (hence the 2×1021 ratio, mentioned above).[4] The exchange rate for the US dollar was set at 11.74 forints.
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