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Old 03-28-2013   #7
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Default Re: The Latest in Deecash Scams

Originally Posted by gonzo View Post
If you’re wondering who the hell Bobby Rica is, look no further. Bobby Rica is loosely based on a fun cool guy. Some people who visit this site may know him. But essentially he’s a former talk radio host, a producer, restauranteur, gourmande, woman lover, surfer dude and a seasoned world traveler. Though his life is far from perfect, he’s our starting point to someone ideal. If there’s someone like Tommy Bahama who is for rich middle aged men with a purpose, then Bobby Rica is for the cool young dude still exploring the world and getting it on to par-tay!
If you want a description of who Bobby Rica is, he’s a guy everybody loves to be with. Bobby Rica is your older brother who does all the cool things you never dared doing. Bobby Rica is the guy who you secretly have a grudging admiration. He is an adventurer and explorer. He is the risk taker, and relishes every moment of it. He hangs out with the cool people. He knows everybody, and those who really matter. He’s the man’s man, and of course, a ladies man.
He’s the guy who gets away with it. The man who makes his cake and eats it too. Because in this day and age, life is meant be lived that way.
Bobby Rica is a diamond in the rough that has started to show his brilliant luster.
But more so, Bobby Rica inspires you to find yourself again in the most beautiful places, and have a good time doing it. You can live vicariously through him or you try to be like him. He is THE DUDE! And he’s here to show you the way.
"He is THE DUDE! And he’s here to show you the way."
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