Thread: Porn Sales
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Old 01-07-2013   #1
On InterPol's Wanted List
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Default Porn Sales

Everyone bitches about tube sites killing the industry but I think Mobile porn has done just as much if not more damage. I've seen my mobile traffic increase from just 2% 5-6 years ago to about 25-30% now.

I can't convert mobile traffic for shit.
- Most of the time people are on their phone they are in public. When they are alone (at home or work) they are usually sitting in front of their pc and use that to surf. Porn is an impulse buy, less likely to purchase when in public vs being home alone. In past most people surfed internet when they were in private.
- Billing sucks for US residents. In Europe i've read mobile users can easily make transactions on their phone and bill it to their phone company. US mobile users have to fill out a signup page with credit card number on their phone which is a big obstacle vs clicking a button to bill you.
- Viewing porn in general sucks on your phone (small screen) and not everything works on phones or is compliant.

I've tried several different mobile programs and I can not find one that converts 1/20th as good as regular web traffic. Basically my mobile traffic is a total loss and each day the % of mobile users keeps increasing.

The increase in mobile usage + people not buying due to finding everything for free on tube sites, then the people who do actually try to join are getting declined at a growing rate hardly anyone is getting through. I've seen the number of people who get declined continue to increase year to year over the last 4-5 years.

It's like putting them through a funnel with holes in it, almost everything is getting siphoned off before it makes it to the bottom.

Free porn, mobile usage and people having maxed out credit cards and banks reducing their available limits all started happening in 2008-2009 the same time everyone started seeing big drops in sales. The perfect storm.

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