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Old 12-15-2012   #9
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Default Re: Fabian Thylnmann Arrested?

Originally Posted by RawAlex View Post
At least part of it might come out in the next little while, especially if Fabian ends up in a position where he cannot represent the company for a while. It's equally likely that, if things start to turn ugly, that the company may actually throw him under the bus, and try to make it look like he mislead them.

At some point, the actual owners may have to pop their heads out and get exposed, at least a bit.

I don't think the real money sources will ever be revealed. It goes back to them trying to buy NOOF, I don't think they could go public in the normal manner without getting everything exposed. Backdooring it would have been perfect, and a great way to have a public company pile on debt and buy up the assets of Manwin over time - a perfect rinse and spin cycle.
You already have the Mojito beach dwelling MANSEF boys popping in to say chill. Curious isnt it along with Shap whom all say they have been paid 100%.

I call bullshit.

And I will interject that Fabian bought into the company with the only thing he and and that would be information.

Notice I say information and not knowledge cuz the guy couldnt even run a single pay site with any degree of success.
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