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Old 03-08-2012   #13
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Default Re: Cooperation offer from Ibill

Originally Posted by rhetorical View Post
Wow, 160K.....that hurts. Hell, I "only" lost 25K to those 2000 charge motherfuckers. I think they are still around as well after all their promises to make restitution. Oh well...suck it up, but I never forget. What goes around, comes around. Personally, Danny, I think if they want to trade on the ibill name, they should suck up the ibill pay you. Why don't you ask them.
How's life in the land of English speakers? Kind of nice not to be a minority, I bet.

I only lost about 10K to WEB800/DMR assholes back in 1999 because i had just launched my first membership site a few months before. Talk about a kick in the nuts, get a nice membership base of rebills built up right away, quit my job then boom fuckers stop sending checks. Although it could have been a lot worst, I was able to get my data base of credit card users from them once I had my own merchant account set up. So that minimized what I lost to just the checks that they stopped sending as I was able to keep rebilling my customers without asking them to sign back up again.

So I then switched to ibill for new sales... thankfully I stopped promoting my membership sites a couple years before ibill went under so I only lost about 30K in checks owed and lost rebills.

When you were dealing with 3rd party processors back then it was like playing russian roulette, there was no way to know which one would crap out. Which, if you chose anyone other than ccbill you pretty much got screwed at some point. If anyone does business with the "new" ibill, then they are fucking morons.

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