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Old 03-08-2012   #18
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Default Re: Would the last one leaving please turn off the lights

Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
My God you're pathetic rhetorical. You're lost, I swear.

All you do is reminisce about people who don't even know you.
By the way, Morgan Grayson passed away several years ago.
You have no idea who I know and who I don't know. Your social skills are pathetic. You know like starting a discussion just for fun. The big diff between you and I Evil...and you know I am much better at this internet racket than you. You totally fell apart when the big crash came and were treading water and have been envious of me when I didn't fail as you predicted...oh along with that other genius friend of yours Kenny...another casualty. So, Evil, you can continue to pitch on Netpond (LOL), JBM etc and eek out an existence in the montreal winter...or actually get a skill and move on. You know that when you actually had to do the internet on your own with no backstop, you hit all kinds of walls. You are getting on. You know this is good advice Evil.

However, I would like to thank you for providing me a link to the Don Cherry movie. I laughed. I cried. I was pissed off I have to wait for the second season. I swear when he pops off he will have the biggest funeral this country has ever seen.
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