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Old 03-07-2012   #11
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Default Re: IMC President launches new anti-piracy union

Originally Posted by spazlabz View Post
Hi Sar!

Yes there are definitely going to be disagreements on a lot of aspects of what the ACIUF is going to be doing, their motivations and if this is a for profit endeavor or not. I would say the fees that are being charged is nothing compared to what our company is investing. The only profits we are looking to make are the ones from the increase in sales that should follow when shutting down the illegal tubes and torrents. This will not just benefit us but we believe it will benefit the industry as a whole. From content producers, sponsor programs to affiliates.

It won't happen over night and it won't be easy but our commitment to the process is firm. Mr Kuppens is welcome to express his opinions on how he feels about content removal companies and you are of course welcomed to disagree with him. What is not really open to debate is that something needs to be done and pursued with gusto... that is the intent of the ACIUF and something he and our entire organization stand behind.

It is absolutely fair to criticize the minutia of this but I sincerely hope you support the end goals of it as well. It is the big picture that matters here in my humble opinion
That might well be, but the amounts you are charging are more than small companies and single girl sites can afford. Its kind of a chicken and egg situation. The pirates caused the crash and the price of fighting them is expensive and that money has dried up.
You should consider a more affordable amount for the huge amount of small sites out there that would probably seriously help the cause.
Sometimes, those that have lose sight of the reality of those who don't.
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