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Old 03-06-2012   #8
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Default Re: IMC President launches new anti-piracy union

Originally Posted by spazlabz View Post
will it work or not... well, that remains to be seen and we believe that it will. A lot of time, effort and work has gone into setting this up and I can tell everyone quite freely that the enthusiasm within IMC to see this succeed is very high.
Be that as it may.

This, right here:

There are numerous content removal companies out there offering their “help”. But why aren’t pirates destroyed? Why is the content cleaned just here and there? Why is the content still available at everybody’s reach? With all due respect, their objective can't be to end piracy. Without piracy they will lose their right to exist.
Is quite insulting to those who are actually fighting the good fight, and it is pure bullshit.

I know people in the business of getting shit down and they go to great lengths to get sites shut down. Some of them take the whole effort quite personally. They want the pirate gone, believe me.

So, why aren't pirates destroyed through these people's efforts? Because every time you take one down, 3 new ones pop up.

How come Aids still exists? I mean doctors have been fighting that one for thirty years now. So does that mean that doctors have no interest in curing Aids, just because it still exists?

I cannot speak for all of the removal type companies out there and I will not name company names because that would not be prudent but I am tight with a couple of them and have seen the effort that they have made and I have seen the results. To imply that because they make their living fighting piracy somehow means they want pirates to stay and proliferate is downright insulting and quite disenguous coming from someone starting a "foundation" that will require a monetary contribution to join (and stay in):

The membership fee:
Considering the size of your company, thus the amount of content we need to track the membership fees are:
1) Junior - 300€/month
2) Senior - 550€/month

Pay 3 months in advance and you get a discount of €150.

For non-content companies that want to help:
* Supporting friend - 150€/month
Yeah, they're doing it to be altruistic and there won't be making a profit at all, uh huh. I see it every day on the adult boards, all the generous fucking people that never have an ulterior motive. What are they going to do when the pirates are gone? They are basing a biz on the same thing, so what makes them different?

Reminds me of Lee Noga wanting to be the fucking gatekeeper.

Oh, I almost forgot. Hi Spaz

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