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Old 03-01-2012   #7
On InterPol's Wanted List
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 123
Default Re: Would the last one leaving please turn off the lights

Originally Posted by DannyCox View Post
I do know quite a few who made their money and got out. Something I really should have done 10 years ago!

Like most of the old-timers, I made my REAL money last century and luckily, put most of it away. I really just stay on-line to keep busy and because we still have pretty good money coming in from very little work. I do some mainstream stuff dealing with travel and sailing, but those are more vanity projects that I do for fun (although there is money there too)

But yes, many of the mouthpieces from days gone by have crashed and burned quite dramatically!
If they weren't "out" by 2006 then they likely rode the ship down and didn't leave wealthy. Take LightSpeed Steve for example, probably hit his peak around 2005 and now i'd be surprised if he does more than 2K a month in rebills. A lot of these guys made good money but blew it as fast as they made it thinking it would always be there. As things started to decline, most of their lifestyles did not and they had fat mortgages and other expenses that they could no longer afford so they stopped spending as much on their business because they needed the money to pay their personal bills, futher accelerating the decline of their business. Then they started selling off lots of the toys for pennies on the dollar or handing them back over to the bank. They never saved and just rode it down all the way to the end.

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