Thread: Fail
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Old 01-19-2012   #1
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Default Fail

Years ago in this very forum, I said this loser pothead chick was trouble....

Sorry and we want to pay everyone back!!!

First off I am sorry that I shut down our affiliate program! Some new business ventures well they failed and the sites were not making a lot of money so there was no money to pay anyone. I guess in the end things didn't go as planned as they sometimes do for us this was the first and it hit hard. We of course panicked and this was wrong! We are still not making a lot of money but we have decided the right thing to do is to pay everyone back. This will take some time of course so please be patient everyone will get there money. We are starting with our top affiliates and moving down the line. Freeones will be paid first as they were our top affilaite and we will move down the line from there. We will pay past owed money first and then figure out your rebills that you can't see since we shut down the program after everyone is paid. I hope some of you will decide to promote us again after you are paid but if not we do understand.

Thanks, Shane and Melissa
MelTech, INC.
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