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Old 12-31-2010   #24
Brilliant Innoventionalist and writer.
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Default Re: What the hell is Wicked Pictures Thinking?

Originally Posted by angelic View Post
But Im not about to be a friend of yours, or anyone else here.. so can we keep this to business only?

Call me a parasite.. it wont matter to me.. but make sure to also include most everyone else that ACTUALLY runs (or is involved with) a BIG company..

I've been in the adult industry since mid-1997.. and I havent made more money in 2010, by far, than I ever did before..

As for 'well off' and 'succeeded'.. I've got a $7M flat... which, still, doesnt make me any happier.. but we're not talking about happiness here.. it's business..

And I come here because I followed Serge.. (and MikeAI) from YNOT, to Netpond, to Oprano... and once a day, Im pretty bored.. so pretty much the same reason you're here.. and everyone else..
I'm sure we're all very impressed with your "7M Flat" whatever.....(is that monopoly money?)

But seriously folks, No, we don't keep it "all business here." We're a group of Middle age porn dudes that like to talk about all kinds of "stuff."
(Age and wisdom will teach you; many things that affect business, don't really seem to be about business at first.")
So, forgive me if I don't get all excited to hear from a loud mouth smartass that comes in here and decides how we should do things. How about you stand in the corner, quietly, while the rest of us go about our normal discourse? Maybe GFY would be a better place for you?Lots of loud mouth SOBs there.

If you're REAL quiet, and behave yourself, we MIGHT let you talk in about 6 months or so.

And I'm singularly impressed with your long time in the adult industry. Myself? I've been in the industry since 1985. I suspect that was a very long time before you were a twinkle in your daddy's groin.

Many of the members here have been in the industry for as long, or I'll bet even longer, than me. So please, save it. We don't find it amusing.

Eric J. White
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