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Old 12-31-2010   #23
Thinks Lars is a TOP NOTCH GUY
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 34
Default Re: What the hell is Wicked Pictures Thinking?

Originally Posted by EmporerEJ View Post
"Well off, Succeeded," are very interesting terms. Terms that mean different things, to different people.

Describing them, the way you describe them, only pinpoints your maturity level. "Parasites," might be a better term for those that feed off others without adding any value.

If, indeed, you have any "value," whatsoever. (Which I question.)
Frankly, I just can't see why such a "successful" guy like you, would waste your time here?

Surely, you must have much more important things to do. Howz 'bout you go do 'em, and let the adults get back to the real business of the industry?
Sure, you can always argue that "making money" doesn't mean you've succeeded..

But Im not about to be a friend of yours, or anyone else here.. so can we keep this to business only?

Call me a parasite.. it wont matter to me.. but make sure to also include most everyone else that ACTUALLY runs (or is involved with) a BIG company..

Do you really think GE, or Walmart dont 'have issues..'..? If you don't, then please spend an hour or.. 15 years to figure things out..

I've been in the adult industry since mid-1997.. and I havent made more money in 2010, by far, than I ever did before..

As for 'well off' and 'succeeded'.. I've got a $7M flat... which, still, doesnt make me any happier.. but we're not talking about happiness here.. it's business..

And I come here because I followed Serge.. (and MikeAI) from YNOT, to Netpond, to Oprano... and once a day, Im pretty bored.. so pretty much the same reason you're here.. and everyone else..
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