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Old 12-30-2010   #21
Thinks Lars is a TOP NOTCH GUY
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 34
Default Re: What the hell is Wicked Pictures Thinking?

Originally Posted by EmporerEJ View Post
Well, there are some us trying to change the world......and, you know, advance the science?
I wouldnt call you "some of us", but rather most of everyone.

The people that "succeeded" (and sure, thats up for discussion as well), but the people that are VERY well off.. aren't the ones that cared about what YOU or 'that other guy' wanted..

Might not be the best example, but its one of the best.. Zynga.. $600M+/yr.. does anyone of you REALLY think they cared what happened to the 'gaming industry'.. EA, Disney, both acquired major 'farmville'ish' companies as soon as they could.. And I've talked to a few decent sized gaming companies.. about buying them.. one of them told me they'd never sell to EA, because they require 120 hr weeks.. and immediate results..

NO ONE truly 'succeeds', without essentially being a company that just cares about profit..

And that said, why should anyone in the "Adult Industry"?..

When everyone had 65% margins, sure, throw a vegas party.. or orlando,, or miami.. we were all there.. even though I have little interest in letting you know who i am..

ITS FUCKING BUSINESS.. friends are friends.. and to most anyone that hasnt already 'succeeded..', pretty much none of you will be my 'friend'..
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