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Old 12-04-2009   #7
Thinks All Affiliates Are Cheaters
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 97
Default Re: Giving Away Our Video Chat Platform - Good or Bad?

To be really honest, I have to credit Gonzo & Oprano with teaching me a lesson some time ago. Anyone who knows me knows that I can take anything tossed at me personally, but when it comes to insulting my company or our product, I tend to lose my marbles as had happened before thanks to a disagreement with a certain person who shall remain nameless.

The blame that was being thrown our way on that other forum for all of his own fraud was insulting because I know how hard people like Mediaguy, Kedra, Ye, Qi, David etc, all work on LiveCamNetwork. But instead of posting instantly and "attacking", I would re-read what he said carefully, take a walk and cool off, and then come back as if he was simply asking a question instead of pointing a finger. I tried to answer each "question" calmly. I had to bite my toungue, but I knew if I could leave the emotion out and concentrate on the details (and screenshots) that it would be not only a better defense of our position, but might be useful for others when dealing with fraud.

PS: Corvette was extremely helpful in that situation. Kudos to CCBill as always.
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