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Old 05-03-2009   #106
Charles Taylor
Holding Catsup Head's Beer
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 43
Default Re: Dirty D what is up with this?

Originally Posted by JenniDahling View Post
This is from the site an angry DirtyD Minon posted

He's a suitcase pimp who used to bring girls to Dirty D, til we figured out he was pulling the casting couch bs, telling models they can make thousands of dollars a shoot, really misleading the girls just to get laid. He's lives in a tiny ass studio apartment, lives off disability, and has to rent a car to drive girls, if he was able to lure an unsuspecting model into his web of lies.

He's done other lame shit that D's called him out on before and now thinks we're actively taking a stand to fuck with him like setting up those charles taylor hate sites. He doesn't understand that we could give a rats ass about him and have better things to do with our day, like actually running a successful business and paying out affiliates.

Jenni, some models make more then others I know you don’t understand this cause your employer pays $350 for a “so called Bukkake” from what I since YOU never came to me asking for work...where do you get your information from huh? Secondhand sources maybe perhaps like my local competitors? Anyway you look at it unproven facts are just that...strictly unfounded. You’re quoting an anonymous website with a lot of anonymous reports. Now...the information about Dirty another story all together......actual POLICE reports....where are the so called police reports on me?....oh no...Shot a hole in the stories about me.....or maybe I am just truly a bad ass....and someone was a "hater".....not too hard to be a hater of successful people in this biz.....or maybe I have a “stalker”……I always dreamed of having my own personal stalker…..

Getting back to your little rant....what business is it of D's to tell me how to I on his payroll? Let’s see I have called D out personally on his inability to pay the female talent more then $300 when I was assisting him back then. What was it he said…oh yes….it was....$100 or $1,000 doesn’t matter…they all do the same scenes. What he failed to understand is that the models have what is called a “standard rate”…but then again he isn’t expecting any LA girl to blow through Tampa just to see him. He would rather get someone from Nebraska Avenue. I also told him that a model release would be invalid if the individual signing it was intoxicated (drunk or high) and other things as well......Testing (“on file”…yeah right!), I.D.’s… do I have to go any farther with this Jenni? Do you want the REAL truth to come out? Cause you can't handle the truth....

You really should follow your boss’s advice Jenni….. “Don't hate, APPRECIATE.”

Charles Taylor
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