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Old 12-30-2008   #32
Fat Fucking Nobody
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Default Re: Bullshit reaches limit - AFF and Iporn scuttlebutt

and the iPorn story continues to grow...
by Gene Ross on AdultFYI
Final: Rob Rotten's Escape from Berlin; Claims Francis Koenig Bragged About AVN Purchase

The last time I had spoken to Rob Rotten, he had suffered a motorcycle crash, was air lifted to the hospital and was discovered to have had a cervical spine fracture in C2, a pelvic fracture, a torn ACL in his right knee, and a concussion. Other than that, he was okay.

I talked to Rob this week and he was vastly amused by The Grand Vizier’s recent report on Francis Koening of IPorn.

Amused in the sense that Rotten had witnessed a lot of these stories first hand.

“I had a brief experience,” says Rotten. “This was right before the Venus Show.”

According to Rotten, he got a call from Jim Powers about two weeks before the show telling him to pack his bags that he was going to Germany.

“I said, yeah, right. He said, no, ‘this company IPorn wants you to come out there and do scenes.’ Like everything in porn, you believe it when the check cashes and the ticket’s in your hand. So I brushed it off. About a week later I get a call from Porno Dan saying, ‘yeah, dude, we want you to come to Germany, but this guy Francis Koenig is scared of your tattoos so he wants to give it some thought.’

“I said, yeah, let me know because I’m traveling out of the country and need a fresh test before I leave so you guys got to give me at least a couple days fair notice. We were leaving on Saturday so this was the Monday before.”

So, Rotten, who also shoots, was being asked to go to Germany strictly as talent.

“Now it’s Friday and I haven’t heard anything further,” Rotten continues.

“Then my phone rings and he says Rob, get your test we’re leaving tomorrow morning. Your ticket should be in your in-box in a few minutes. So I wait around and finally the ticket finally does show up.”

“I didn’t complain at the time and I usually travel a lot and don’t mind having a lot of stops but this is the worst fucking ticket I’ve ever seen in my life. I had six stops just in the United States and two more in Europe before I got to fucking Berlin.”

In the meantime, Rotten gets his blood drawn, packs his bags and next morning jumps on the airplane.

Even with the stops, Rotten arrived in Germany about three hours before anyone else.

“I never met Francis and he never met me. All of a sudden I see Jim Powers and Porno Dan, and there’s this douchebag who looks like a gay Ben Stiller. I’m introduced to him- it’s Francis. I go thanks for the ticket and he’s bragging that he was able to rent two Mercedes Benz vans. We’re in Germany. That’s like a Chrysler. Big fuckin’ deal. But he’s so proud of these vans.”

Rotten says he was first told that everyone would be put up in a nice hotel then would shoot in a villa in the middle of nowhere.

“But he says there’s a change of plans- we’re not getting the hotel. We’re all going to stay at this villa. We all jump in the van, and I’m in the one with these two Czech Republic girls we met at the airport, Francis and some other douchebags. Francis is running his mouth the whole time about how he has the most beautiful penis in porno.

"We’re driving through Berlin. The guy’s utterly lost, but he can’t stop talking about how beautiful his penis is, and about how he’s the best camera guy in the business.”

Rotten then volunteered a few positive comments about Jim Powers’ efficiency with the camera. To which Koenig allegedly said, “Jim could learn a few things from me. I’ve really got this business down. I’m unstoppable.”

During the course of the ride, Koening then passed an Exotic Museum and made a point to slam on the brakes, according to Rotten.

“He [Koenig] made everyone look at this place then said, 'me and my penis will be in there soon.' He wants everyone to know that a mold of his penis will be in there that’s how beautiful it is.”

Rotten says the drive is continuing close to four hours by now when he looks out the window to see that they’re driving through East Germany.

“It’s straight out of that movie The Lives of Others,” Rotten observes.

“There’s these blown out concrete buildings and graffiti and couches on fire on the side of the road. We were in the Communist bloc of Germany. It was really weird to see. Then there’s this sign that says 6km to Poland. We’re in fuckin’ Poland!”

Arrangements were made for 25 people to stay at the villa, says Rotten.

“There’s no towels, there’s no blankets. There’s no water. Worst of all there’s no beer. There’s nothing. Everyone’s pissed at this point. And I’m saying to myself it is what it is. Me and Jim are laughing a lot about the situation.

"It’s like ten o’clock at night, and Francis is saying we have to shoot and stay on schedule. They get a couple of girls into makeup. First up is going to be Johnny Thrust. So Francis pulls this one girl out of makeup. Jim’s like where’s the girl? Francis took the girls while they were in makeup, brought them up to his room and began cream pie’ing them.”

“Meanwhile he’s screaming why aren’t the girls ready when he keeps taking them away. And you should have seen his face. He looked like a fucking turnip. I’ve never seen Viagra face that bad. He was like a tomato, a turnip. If he had cried, it would have been blood. That’s how red he was.

"He looked like some weird mutant. We were teasing him about it, and he denied that he took any Viagra. But he said, oh, I take Cialis. When he told us how much, I thought he was lucky his heart didn’t explode.”

Rotten said his test results were not yet in and no way he could check because they were without Internet connections.

“I couldn’t do a scene and Francis was all bent out of shape about that,” laughs Rotten.

“Meanwhile he’s still fucking all the girls and nothing gets done. We ended up saying fuck it and we crashed out. There was this side house where Jim and I slept on couches. Johnny sleeps in a bed because no one wants to sleep with him, and Porno Dan got his own little lair upstairs.

"Next morning we have to pick up Otto Bauer and I go, my God, this is my escape. Fuck this. This Francis guy- I’m going to kill him. There’s no way I can last two weeks with this guy. I will seriously kill him.”

Rotten says the drive back to the airport to get Otto was just as weird.

“The whole time Francis is talking about how he’s buying AVN and has all these investors lined up and how he’s buying it pennies on the dollar and how AVN is failing and how he’ll pick it up and make T-shirts, make billions of dollars and make it a public company,” says Rotten.

“He’s on and off the phone with investors while he’s driving. And he’s also bragging to us about how the deal’s going down.”

Once they got to the airport, Rotten said he tried to convince Bauer to jump ship [Otto didn’t], then Rotten booted with his backpack and got on a train to downtown Berlin.

“I stayed at a few hostels then went off to Amsterdam doing tons of drugs and mushrooms and did a whole European trip! Thank God I did because I heard things got a lot worse as the days progressed.”

I ask Rotten if his absence may have been noticed any time during those two weeks.

“I don’t think so,” he laughs. “Obviously Francis was pissed, but I’m sure as soon as he popped a few more Cialis, it went out of his mind. I successfully escaped and felt bad for the rest who weren’t able to.”

Rotten said his concern was that Koenig would cancel the airline ticket once he bailed. But that didn’t happen.

“When I got back, I took the liberty of calling Paul at AVN saying, dude, whatever you do, don’t sell to that douchebag.”
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