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Old 08-23-2008   #13
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 926
Default Re: Major issue: $ 24.95 or $ 19.95 ??

Originally Posted by jdog View Post
I have to agree with RawAlex on all his points.

But also with the price comes what content you have and how long you'll be able to keep shooting these girls. If you don't maintain consistent updates members might buy a $24.95 or a $34.95 monthly membership but they A) won't stay to recur or will charge back quickly. If you're still shooting content with these girls and have them under a contract keep the updates to a minimum of say 2 times a week to keep the member coming back, so that he will continually rebill.

But if you don't have consistent updates and you're out of content and you start to rotate it, you'll have a member for as long as your content rotates and the likely hood of them signing up again in the future may be slim to none for a $34/$24 monthly membership.

Another thing you can try is different pricing. Try $19 one month, then try $24 the next and then $34. Go with what you see does best on the profit. See what people will pay for it and also do the math on the recurring members and see what the average member recurs at. As said earlier in the thread, "just do the math".
If you do that don't the different recurring priced members get pissed?
__________________ yum yum.
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