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Old 06-04-2008   #128
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Default Re: Max Hardcore Trial Outtake - "You Look Better with Puke on Your Face"

Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
I don't like misogynists and bigots, I don't like self-righteous, judgmental morality police, and I especially don't like people who think it's cool to scheme about ratting out amateurs to the feds who live and work at home for not complying with 2257 to his liking. That is the "long story". RawAlex likes to point fingers at all the people he doesn't like who he thinks are threats to the industry because they aren't making the vanilla teen porn he likes and talk about how they should be shut down, not allowed to make money, censored, etc. He is a turncoat advocating for prosecution and persecution. That's the long story. He's a scary little simpleton.

Oh and Trixie, sorry... but FUCK OFF. You don't know me, you don't know my tastes..

Guys, you want a funny story? trixie and her grilfriend were all pissed off because the credit card processors wouldn't allow them to run a site specifically about the girl having her period and showing the bloody tampons, masturbating while bleeding, and otherwise engaging in sex acts during the time of menstruation. The CC processors, at the direction of Visa and Mastercard, had (haven't checked if it is still current) a rule that said "no blood in porn". We all know that this is more typical to avoid gore, violence, etc... but their monthly period site got snagged and declined.

Trixie and company expressed an intent to go after the credit card companies (in a court of law perhaps) to attempt to force them to accept the site.

My opinion was simple: The credit card companies have a poor enough opinion about porn sites in general, there is no good reason to be picking a huge fight with them to get them to try to accept MORE extreme porn, as the chance is that they will instead come back and be even more restrictive in the future. IMHO, if 90% of the money is made in mainstream straight, gay, lesbian, and Transexual porn, why would you risk a huge pie in order to gain the last 1% at the end? The risk / reward on that is pretty low.

As has happened in this discussion, Trixie objected wildly that I was trying to limit her PERSONAL FREEDOMS. Do you see a trend here? I think she has all the rights in the world to open a menstruation porn site if she wants, but I think few people in the online porn world would want her picking a fight with Visa over it. Visa has set business rules (which do change from time to time, and perhaps that site now does have processing), and we the porn mongers must live with those rules. Nothing in Visa's actions stops anyone from exercising their right to free speech - but they retain their rights to not be commercially involved in it.

Trixie has a very hard time to tell her personal freedoms from life in business. If you don't agree with her, you get labeled misogynists and bigots, small minded simpletons, and as a lover of "plain vanilla teen porn".

Her reactions, well... they speak for themselves - freedom of speech only applies to Trixie, the rest of us can shut the fuck up.
Let's go to the edge of disaster Push the pedal and go a little faster Let's slam into a wall at ramming speed Let's go to the edge of a mountain Jump off and lets start countin' Hit the ground and tell me if it bleeds
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