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Old 06-04-2008   #127
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Default Re: Max Hardcore Trial Outtake - "You Look Better with Puke on Your Face"

Oh yeah, Trixie...

If you choose a lifestyle that isn't similar to everyone elses, if you are pushing past stereotypes, and if you are attempting to do things that the laws say you are not suppose to do, don't be shocked when you get resistance. We aren't all a bunch of misogynists and bigots, rather very normal people who don't have a great desire to toss all of our normal lives out of the window so that your unique situation can define everything for the rest of us.

Please understand, I am not attempting to make any of this personal. You have taken a discussion about facts and turned it into a pissing match. You might have been able to play bully games elsewhere, but you aren't going to have any lucky here.

Rhet, the 2257 thing at the end of the day involves someone disclosing a personal discussion in a private board to Trixie, even though they had agreed never to discuss what was in that private board. I expressed the opinion that people who bitch about the laws and then use a mailboxes Etc as their 2257 address as a primary producer might have a different opinion if they had to deal with the feds... the comment wasn't in the best of taste, but it was done in an area that I thought a few people would laugh about it, call me names and move on. Sadly, someone broke the "fight club" style agreement, and it went on from there.

It got worse from there.

Trixie has revealed her true self again in this thread, quickly sinking to insults, name calling, and attempts to shout me down. It will be a cold, cold day in hell before that will work on me anymore.
Let's go to the edge of disaster Push the pedal and go a little faster Let's slam into a wall at ramming speed Let's go to the edge of a mountain Jump off and lets start countin' Hit the ground and tell me if it bleeds
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