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Old 06-02-2008   #67
Brilliant Innoventionalist and writer.
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Default Re: Max Hardcore Trial Outtake - "You Look Better with Puke on Your Face"

Originally Posted by Trixie View Post
GAH -- I know that. Something can still be risky while being considerably LESS risky than many other things.

I believe in taking calculated risks. Obviously part of the calculating is comparing it to other risks. But you still need to acknowledge that THERE IS STILL RISK, particularly for women or guys being poked up the butt by wet penises, even with AIM testing. I am definitely not one of the people worked up into a panicked lather over it and I totally agree there are many much more risky jobs and recreational activities in the world and have said so many times, I just don't think the risks should be summarily dismissed as inconsequential even if they are much lower and less life-threatening than people make them out to be.

Seriously. Just because something is less risky than fishing on the Bering Sea doesn't make it not risky at all. There are a whole lot of still-risky things that are less risky than that. Because that shit is totally risky! That's why there's a show about it! I totally agree, though, that if those risks are tolerable enough to make an entertaining show about it (where they recently showed drunk driving, too, without any sort of public service announcement or lecture about it and the drunk fucker fell into the water) then people should certainly be able to make porn without condoms if that's what they choose to do.
I guess my point is, I pretty much agree with your thinking.
I'm sick to death of the "Nanny state," wanting to dictate rules and regulations to us.
Tired of the governmant trying to protect me from myself.
You wanna feel safe and use condoms? Fine.
(Not gonna sell, but fine)
You wanna not use condoms? Fine...your risk.

Eric J. White
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