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Old 03-20-2008   #324
Approving Gay AVS Sites
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Default Re: Do you want Gonzo to post your real name?

Originally Posted by DannyCox View Post
Your machine's MAC Address is not sent in the packet and is just used on the LAN for address resolution of the final destination.
Are you retarded man? Seriously. The following refers to the WAN:

"When your request shows up at
the router that connects to The TCP/IP Guide, it can see the
server's IP address, but that isn't helpful: it needs to send to server's
MAC address

Originally Posted by DannyCox View Post
But what is being discussed only holds true on a Network. For example, if you are on a PC with just a dial-up connection, the MAC Address of your machine doesn't even come into it.
"The identical issue exists even with communication between devices on a LAN."

Originally Posted by DannyCox View Post
I don't see how moe could get MAC Address transmission in a TCP/IP Packet from any of that text. It is only discussing using the MAC upon receiving a packet.
Listen, you can't posssibly be THAT dense. READ.

"However, while we can virtually connect devices at layer three, these connections are
really conceptual only.
When you send a request using IP, it is sent one
hop at a time, from one physical network to the next. At each of these hops, an actual transmission occurs at the physical and data link layers."

It is the DATA LINK LAYER which contains the MAC address. And it is exactly what I said, that TCP packets ALL contain MAC addresses (sender AND receiver) therefore, all that needs to be done is to backtrack from the server, through every hop, sniffing the packets for the addys, until eventually, you get to the originating device . . . it's actually conceptually straightforward . . . but I can see that you have no clue about any of this. You can probably barely run your Winblows box . . . this is like talking to a 5 year old, I swear . . . .

This is amusing, this thread will be here for a long time, and ALL THE INFO IS THERE, and it all proves my point, while you keep making an ass out of yourself.

It's almost painful to watch you do it.
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