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Old 03-17-2008   #146
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Montreal, Canada
Posts: 281
Default Re: Do you want Gonzo to post your real name?


Let's be clear on this. I'm not that person, period, and that the "proof" that it was me is by my Mac Address. Not only do you believe him, but you also claimed earlier that Mac Address tracking is common.

Am I a networking guru? No. I am saying that Obtaining a Mac Address via the Internet is impossible, unless an application is installed on a PC which broadcasts that mac address.

If you are not a networking expert and cannot prove me wrong, then thats ok. Whoever you are, I don't hate you for it. Please, dude, chill a sec..

... but if there is a networking expert reading this who can show me how it is done, I would REALLY like to know how. From what I have read (yes on Wiki), it is impossible. Could I be wrong? Hell yes. I'm sorry if I came off to you as a networking expert earlier - it certainly wasn't my intention to do so. I never called you ignorant or stupid and I don't see why you get to call me that. Can you at least show me a link to a place that says obtaining MAC address IS possible?

However if it is your opinion of me that I'm stupid and ignorant, then oh well. I won't say the same about you, sorry. I don't even know you. However, I must refuse any free drinks for you from me at Internext or Qwebec Expo this summer then, sorry!


Mark Prince
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