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Old 03-16-2008   #81
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Montreal, Canada
Posts: 281
Default Re: Do you want Gonzo to post your real name?

Using a fake name does not change who you are or what you do it only makes you look worst when you get found out and your real name and assumed names were used as people think you were hiding something
Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think for a second that people believe that names used in adult are Real? Of course not! My point was, if I talk with somme on a board or at a convention who intoduces themselves as "Dong" from "Dong Content" or something like that, this is who they are, period! Why should I suspect them of hiding anything?

And very smart of you to attempt to equate Search engines with "Scripts that crawl the net and trace what you do online". Once again Shellee, you don't know a fucking thing. The Bullshit guy is not me. You can believe what you want. I once believed that you were a nice lady, but was proven wrong. Sooner or later you will be proven wrong about this too.

You know Shellee... when I posted in this thread I wasn't even responding to you, but once again, you decide to talk about me. Why can't you ignore me? You must have the hugest fucking hard-on for me or something. This thread is about real names or fake names, and who cares about those names. All I said was that I did not care who used a real name or a fake name here.

You have been in this business for exactly 1 year now (by your own admission too). In that 1 year, you have proclaimed yourself to be an expert on everything. You have at least 10 domain names on your business card and will tell anyone who can stand listening to you talk that each of these are a success when in fact each one is a complete failure. Each of your websites have been nothing but placeholders at best.

You brag, brag and brag some more. You try to make everyone around you who you think has less money than you can get from your husband, feel like shit. You know what? It doesn’t work. We just feel sorry for you.

Your life must be empty because you seem to have a very desperate need to fill in some gaps in your life. You seem to work so hard to try to get people to take you seriously, and to consider you as someone who is an EXPERT in this industry and therefore deserves respect. You work much harder TELLING people how good you are at everything instead of actually becoming good at it. You desperately want people to listen to you when in fact you have nothing interesting to say. You have not "been here, done that", Shellee, but you really want people to think that you have. And when you can’t create an idea on your own, you attempt to steal others ideas and make them yours.

Lets talk about idea theft for a moment. We run a a chat studio and offer to help train our customers who have their own chat studios, FOR FREE. We have been running for a while now and we have learned a couple of things. These things we share with our customers. Things like the importance of performers to talk to customers by voice, to look into the camera, to be fun and flirty. These are by no means secrets, but they are important I would say, right? This plus all kinds of other things is what we have learned, and turned into a manual for performers written by LCN Girls AVA, and KEDRA.

Well, when you, Gasbag Shellee Hale, read our manual and talked to the writers of that manual, Kedra and Ava (2 of the best converters by the way), you decided that you were now so much of a fucking EXPERT on what it took to run a successful chat studio the idea that you turned it into a website at, where YOU offer to CONSULT and TRAIN Chat girls for a FEE!. WHAT A FUCKING JOKE! Who the fuck are you now? You're a fucking expert just because you read OUR manual? Who the fuck is going to pay YOU to train them how to chat? Have you ever done an adult chat before (God I hope not!) And do you honestly think that just because a girl is "Certified by Shellee Hale" that she is now some kind of Expert on chatting? Oh wait! This is the great old Shellee Hale! When you fart the whole Internet stinks of it!.

Not only did you steal Ava’s content and attempt to make it your own, but you also took Kedra’s idea when she wanted to start a Content / Chat model seminar at the Qwebec Expo. Here’s a little surprise for you, Shellee, a part of that idea belonged to a good friend of yours too. Bet you didn’t know you were fucking several people over at once, did you?

Shall I mention the stolen content that appeared on your site for a while? How about when I asked you for 3 months to remove pictures of LCN Girl Alexxia that you had on your site because not only had she quit the biz and was no longer chatting (thereby promoting someone who didn't even chat on your website), but you did not even have the rights to display her image? You, the Fucking Expert in Everything that you are, either didn't know how to remove a simple picture, or didn't give a fuck that you had no model release for those pictures in the first place and figured yourself to be such an expert that you could use them anyway. And even worse, that same girl who's images you were using without her permission was the same one who had helped you many times on the phone. Way to stab someone in the back, Shellee. Fuck are you lame.

Let's talk about some other Stolen content. Remember when you jumped in an proclaimed yourself to be a LEGAL EXPERT ON CONTENT and gave the WRONG FUCKING ADVICE on Ynot to a friend of yours who was using content without permission? Your fucking SHIT ADVICE caused the shutdown of your friend’s website, 2 DMCA's, and threat of legal action when all that was necessary was the simple removal of a couple of pictures. Nice going, Shellee Hale. If you give this kind of advice to your friends, I wonder why kind of advice you give your customers (or god - Life-Coach-ee's)?

Someone (I won't say who, but trust me you know who it is) described you as a "bored housewife who seems to be suffering big time from empty nest syndrome". Maybe things are so quiet for you now that you have become so desperate for attention that you make fucking sure (a) that everyone knows you have money (for what? So people will respect you?), (b), that are an expert on everything (for what? So people will think you’re smart?), (c) that you name-drop endlessly (for what? So people will think that you’re “connected”?.

I mean Jesus Christ give us all a break! I know some rich people, I know some politicians, a couple of Rock Stars, and even an actress or two. Do I brag? No! Do I name drop? No!! You know why? Because not only does nobody gives a god-fucking-damn, but I don't feel the need to have to prove what a big cock I have to everyone I meet! I don't feel the need to push everyone "Down" just so I can feel like a BIGSHOT. “I live near Ted Turner! My husband works at Google! I’m Ex Microsoft! I’m a close friend of Hugh Hefner! Bill and I are buds! I’m this! I’m that! I’m friends with everyone! I voted for Bush!! Why won’t you take me seriously? Whaaaa!”.

(And for the record, I'm proud of my 2 inch penis!)

Here's a hint, Shellee. Braggers and name-droppers are insecure little pissants, and everyone can see people like this coming a mile away. You know all those people you've bragged to and name-dropped to? They know you're insecure now. Don't forget that.

You have gone from an "Expert" in people's personal issues, to an "Expert" in the adult industry. Yeah, ok, sure. One of your "Life Coach" sites out there lists you as an expert in Relationship advice, Relationship coach, Personal coach, Home and family". Tell me, Shellee, when did you find the time to become an EXPERT in adult? Or an EXPERT in Technology? Or an EXPERT in law? or an EXPERT in Chatting? Or an EXPERT in traffic? Or an EXPERT in Content?

Oh wait! Now you're an EXPERT at Internet Security, and have an incredible need to tell everyone this too. You spent at least $15,000 promoting Pornafia (wow your husband must love you to keep wasting his money like that!), After 3 months in operation, it has exactly 39 Members. 39!!! It has 319 threads and 424 posts. From who? FROM YOU!!!!!! THEY ARE ALL FROM FUCKING YOU!!!

You know why no one else posts? Why you have no members? Because no one likes to listen to a self-important pompous ass TALK and TALK and TALK!

You love to listen to your fucking self talk so fucking much that you posted over 400 Messages on your own site!!! How PATHETIC is that?? It gets worse! I see that you are now trying to sell advertising on that site. Someone told me that the minimum buy in is $500 a pop.

Here’s some numbers for you Shellee (All provable, sweetheart!)
  • - You have only 39 Members. Wow, that $15k was well spent! Way to go, EXPERT! Where's the proof? You say so on your website!
  • - Your site is has an Alexa ranking of 4,892,454 ! (For comparison's sake, Oprano is 94,561, while GFY is an incredible 4097). Need Proof? Go to and check for yourself. You know what this means, don't you, expert?
So tell me, who the fuck is going to spend $500 to advertise on a website with these kinds of numbers? GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!

Let’s talk about the unfortunate time we were doing business with you. While you were blaming us for your miserable failure running a chat site Shellee, Our entire team here was desperately trying to tell you the mistakes you were making with your sites, but your head was so fucking full of your own bullshit that you simply had no room to listen to anyone else who's ideas or suggestions contradicted your own. Remember that girl who hired to chat for you who told YOUR customers to either "pay me or fuck off"? Wow, good sales girl she was. She was the same Florida Prostitute who was stealing YOUR customers! Your website page pictures of hot cute girls all over it (the promise), but what you delivered was this big fat slob of a girl who just sat there, ate a fucking sloppy Big Mac on camera, and then gave away her personal address on camera and invited guys to come fuck a fat fold in her gut for $200! I called you late that night to tell you that your performer was breaking the law, breaking our own policies, breaking YOUR own policies, and stealing your customers by asking to be paid by Paypal. What did you do? You ARGUED with me on that one too. Brilliant Shellee, Just brilliant. The state of Florida takes the crime of prostitution pretty seriously, or didn't you know that?

And lets not forget the Old Fat Guys you were trying to offer on your Male / Buff / Cut chat site. We tried very hard to explain the concept of NICHE to you. There is nothing wrong with BBW’s or BEAR content, but you can’t promise Slim / Fit Men and Women as content but deliver the opposite. Greg “Media Guy” Jones tried to explain this to you as well but you just blew him off despite his obvious industry smarts.

Shellee we tried so hard to help you but you threw it all in our faces again and again. You're own "expertise" caused your downfall with ALL of your sites, Shellee. The sooner you take responsibility for your own actions - the sooner you admit to yourself that you're not an expert in all things in the universe, the sooner you begin to listen to others instead of yourself - you may begin to do something.

So listen, Shellee, enough is enough. Stop trying to prove what an expert you are at, ok? Maybe you did a good job raising your kids, I don't know, and I don't care. Stop telling ME how to run my business, and stop telling others what you THINK you know about us (or anyone else). It was cute before but now it's just fucking embarrassing. Stop telling the world that you have PROOF of things like Kedra jumping ship (Wow how embarrassing was that for you! We’re still waiting for your proof on that one! Keep the word KIDS out of your adult site. Don't steal any more of our content or ideas.

(And you really need to stop name - dropping (Whoopee! You live on the same street as Turner! Big fucking deal!). You know why? Because the next time you name-drop to someone, they will remember my little rant here, and they may distrust what you just said. Even worse, you will remember my little rant here too, and when you name drop, you’ll stumble over your words, and sound like an even bigger FAKE than you are now.

Try to do something more creative with your time before you get all bent out of shape obsessing over me before you have a heart attack. Stop insulting me, me, my company, my friends, my employees or even the LCN girls all you want now. You are not worth my time or consideration. Just remember one thing, Shellee. We make a single product, LiveCamnetwork. I am very proud of my company, the people that work here, and the product. LiveCamnetwork is all I have done for many years now and it works well when IN THE HANDS OF SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY ARE DOING WHEN IT COMES TO MODELS AND TRAFFIC.

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