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Old 03-16-2008   #76
Working on a "clone" of Pornotube
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Default Re: Do you want Gonzo to post your real name?

Originally Posted by Hammer View Post
I'm not ashamed but I understand that the majority of the public doesn't want to admit they know us. Maybe when you get a little older you'll understand.
It's Hammertime....

Since you are talking about your personal experience here I guess we conclude that a majority of the public doesn't want to admit they know you. I am older and I do understand.

Here is some of my knowledge Verisign got their start in Adult and easily crossed over with no stigma - its a different world especially with mainstream companies using techniques adult monitized for years there is great opportunity out there and the stigma is lessened - the people still judging seem to be getting caught in hypocritical situations every day.

Now you have bigger problems as large webdesigners and seo companies (organic, widemile, searchrev, etc.) open their markets to adult companies to keep growth. For instance, a mainstream web designer just programmed an adult membership site they billed at over a million dollars. I am sure your 1400.00 clients are a different breed but are you? Are you a million dollar designer or a 1400.00 one? But, I am not smart according to you, yet I could probably get you double what you make now with just two of my contacts. Damn I could probably even arrange a merger/buy if your as good as you say; but I am sure you do this because you love it not for the money. Oh and then there's that list of people you will never to do business with.

But once again if you are concerned about "sick fucks" here and your kids - using an alias or fake name is not going to protect them better than I can protect my kids. It might take the sickos a few more minutes to get the goods on you but your kids are just as vulnerable to the disturbing concerns you have. My guess is your really disturbed about what your doing in this business and raising your kids and took it out on me. Your conflict comes from wanting to keep two seperate lives and we are all just one person no matter how you slice it. It is time to integrate.

I can get anything about anybody within minutes online - that's why the Dirty D thing and everyone questioning the arrest was laughable it was $10 to verify but an arrest record is not a guilt record. I don't think he's going to be too harmed by a repost of a story that had his real name and has been online for 5 years. Funny thing I don't even remember what his real name is and he will always just be Dirty D to me.

OMG a mother daughter tag team all over you... I actually feel bad now, once again I will say that it is my intention to get off your black list and I don't think I am doing a very good job; I am sure I am on the black black list now.
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