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Old 03-14-2008   #89
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Montreal, Canada
Posts: 281
Default Re: Dirty D what is up with this?

Dirty D:

It's too bad that you felt like you were put into a position to explain yourself. I certainly wouldn't have bothered. Clearly Gonzo post that in an attempt to drum up more clicks for this website. (Drama, geeze..)

I've never done business with you but I have heard of you, and just like Danny, I (and others here) have heard ONLY good things about you. Trust me, if we ever did business together (or even if I could refer business your way), anything negative posted on this board would not stop me (or any other sane person) from doing so.

Just remember it's easy for the sorry types who do nothing, create nothing, or fail at everything they ever attempt to do in life, to sit on their fat old asses and complain about the people who are "making it" out of sheer jealousy. I'd suggest you feel a little sorry for them (but only for a second!) and then move on. You don't need to prove anything to anyone. You're good at what you do, you're successful, and most people have good things to say about you. So, Enjoy!

Mark Prince

ps: Hi Jenni!
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