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Old 03-14-2008   #72
Approving Gay AVS Sites
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Posts: 53
Default Re: Dirty D what is up with this?

Originally Posted by gonzo View Post
Check with Jenni.
She is your PR person isnt she?
I called and SMSed her. I suppose yall are still having a meeting at 12:30am?
Actually, I just got off a long conference call that started at 8pm PST.

It's been a busy week and all I know was that I took a call this morning, and when I came back to my desk, had a ton of icq messages with people letting me know about the thread. Not asking if its true, but actually having my back so I could respond to it. Dirty D was promptly made aware of it, I started posting in it, and got on another call. Its an old thread that had surfaced several times before in other places. Somehow I though web savvy folk would know this and realize its all b.s. and didn't feel I had to justify or defend a solid person and program against blatant lies.

During which time Gonzo tried to call me and did end up sms'ing me asking me how can we get square if I'm not taking his call. I texted him back saying I was in a meeting.

I don't have time to police boards for shenanigans, I count on my friends to be my eyes and ears, and certainly didn't expect to read something of this nature without first hearing from Gonzo to clarify the truth, not try and make right after the fact.

cLick my know you want to
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