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Old 03-12-2008   #46
Working on a "clone" of Pornotube
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Default Re: Shelleehale your site is screwed up in IE6

Originally Posted by ScottMcGowan View Post
Okay, let me wade through the bullshit a bit here.

Shelee & Pianogirl: You guys made a boo-boo, simply put. While there's nothing wrong with using free code, etc., it is indeed your responsibility to diligently check said code and make sure there's nothing undesirable contained in it. That being said, any reference to children in any way, shape, or form is a big party foul on an adult site. It doesn't matter if it's not displayed on the page itself and you have to go digging into the source code to find it. Like it was mentioned above, the search engines can still see it even if an end user can't. Soft launch or not, it's there, it can be seen, so you have to treat it as an end product.

Furthermore, after at least 10 some odd hours of being aware of this issue, neither of you have made the effort to change it. I only know this cause I went to view the source code not 10 minutes ago.

As an observer, this kind of thing doesn't bode well considering the topic of your other site, Whether you actually are a hypocrite or not (and I have no reason to believe you are. It looks like you've just made a careless mistake and are too slow to correct it), it makes you look like a hypocrite.

Mark Prince, 2MuchMark, soundslikebullshit, or whatever the fuck your name is: It's obvious to everyone here that you're not interested in helping. If you were interested in actually pointing out a serious problem in an effort to get it changed you would have approached the topic in a much different way. Instead, it's obvious that you have something else in mind entirely. Folks like you exist in all realms of the adult industry and that's one of the reasons we have a hard time being taken seriously outside of the business.

Whatever you have against Shellee, take it offline. As Gonzo, said, this ain't GFY.

-Scott McGowan

We had already fixed this but I made an executive decision to leave it for now becuase of the inflamatory accusations as I don't have anything to hide nor am I involved in anything illegal or a thief. Although you may not agree with my not fixing this right away I wanted to remain transparent so it could be obvious what happened here.

In the last 9 months we have worked on over 19 sites and they aren't just porn walls. I am currently aquiring more sites and exclusive content as prices are dropping. Do any of you want to expose your first 9 months? I appreciate the help and support of 99.9% of you on here and am grateful for this experience as it has taught me a lot.

There are many people in this business making money off me with jobs, advertising and traffic and I am trying to have good products and weather the economic storm. Not one of them would say I was a thief or unethical. If anything I've been screwed a few times. Currently our sales are growing when most companies are down up to 35% or more. So, I must be doing something right.

All in all I think i will still be standing and the two bashers on here only time will tell (they don't even have reference to a site they own) but experts come in all shapes and sizes and even hide behind pseudonymn's.

Scott it is fixed.
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