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Old 03-11-2008   #12
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Default Re: Shelleehale your site is screwed up in IE6

Originally Posted by Shelleehale View Post
You could if you wanted but paid users were used for beta testing for many years so blame them. But Obfuscation would not apply here and most of what you are saying is obsolete but since you are still using it let me sell you some old netscape hardware to complement what your running on.
Just because MS calls something obsolete does not make it so.

There are plenty of places that have not gone to NET yet, there are many more running both NET and straight old ASP. Hell, there are still mainframes out there running COBOL and handling everything just fine. I saw 2 ads come across my monster the other day for fucking RPG and there are still plenty of places running DOS apps.

As far as what I run on, I have a myriad of hardware and software. I am a developer and have to be able to test in multitudes of environments. So, I have XP boxes both home and Pro, a Win98 install, a Media center install, an old NT install, a Linux with php4/mysql4, Linux with PHP5/mysql5, hell I even have access to a MacIntosh.

For browsers I have IE6, IE7 and an old IE5 install, FF 1, FF1.5 and I think I threw a new copy on one of the boes the other day so I might have 2. I have safari for Mac and Windows, I have IE for Mac (sucks beyond belief)

And obfuscation applies to many things when it comes to MS and it's products.

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