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Old 01-20-2008   #74
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 926
Default Re: How will the recession effect our industry?

Originally Posted by Hell Puppy View Post
I have a slightly different prediction.

Government intervention is a perpetual threat. I'm old enough and have been doing this long enough that it first started for me with Meese. Problem is the governments cant react quickly enough. And with the internet, it'll be just like gambling, even if clearly against current laws, you've got offshoring to fight.

My prediction?

Sponsors will turn more to generating their own traffic, being very selective about affiliates they accept, and it'll start to turn the landscape on it's ear a bit. Shrinking margins mean little room to support a needy affiliate who sends 2 sales a month. I see a lot of people having to go get more traditional jobs.

What does that mean for tubes? Everyone I know of in the adult arena that isn't already owned by one of the big companies is for sale. I see sponsors buying them up, cleaning them up and using them for a traffic source.
I wasnt clear, Im not thinking of just America, Im thinking of other governments. Germany wants age verification and if your wind up in their sights now, you get a letter and your lawyer recommends not to go visit there. Australia is trying to filter it out. Im thinking places you would never imagine saying no more.Besides being banned if its also filtered out, doesnt matter where you go, your done pretty much online.
BT's, news groups, tgp's,etc a ton of free porn but doesnt send a message to the nontech savvy as a tube site.
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