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Old 01-19-2008   #63
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 926
Default Re: How will the recession effect our industry?

Originally Posted by gonzo View Post
You are partially incorrect about that.
I am an affiliate for several sites that I rely on that make that mortgage payment for me monthly.

And Im pretty sure there I have a few membership sites out there still running with more to come.

The core of this debate is irresponsibile posting of copyrighted material on websites by individuals that do not own it.

Make no mistake Tony. Its THEFT in my book.

If your content is on any site unauthorized I encourage you to file a DMCA complaint to the host. If you need any help doing that I will be happy to walk you thru and I think that there is a form letter we have around here as well as one Alex has posted.

Let me be clear on this Tony... ANY site that has your content is THEFT and you should persue this with great vigor.

Those sites that you posted with 20 minute clips are STEALING if they do not have rights to that content.

This isnt the first time weve seen this done either. I think we saw many cool kids run a membership site from STOLEN CDs. Do a search on the Zoo and see how many of them have bragged about having a CD RIP site in the past.

If you think that I am not sympathetic about this kind of theft in the industry you are wrong and for that I apologize.

No different than Jace's rave buddies bragging about downloading FREE porn instead of paying for it.

This industry has created its own problem. The old way sites are tease and pay sites are to please isnt how I see many webmasters promoting on free sites.

The paysites are the same. I remember Mike AI's old Purecash sites that didnt even show you a bare nipple until you paid.

Now you have morons that give away the full meal on the tour.
I dont know that it will ever end. Quite honestly after spending 10 days with many despirate people looking for a clue makes me think all of this will only get worse.

Remember this is a business that tolerates THEFT to its employees by labeling it with a cute term - shaving.

Make no mistake its THEFT.
good points and im sorry i judged you.
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