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Old 10-26-2007   #10
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Default Re: #1 on Google=sales?

By saying you want to get back to your initial question it makes it sound like we didn't answer your question and yet here's the last part of your post.

"but where are the sales? My sales are flat ... same as without the extra 7k visitors, what gives???"

Obviously we were trying to explain to you why your sales were flat.

Mypregnantpictures uses the same exact design as the site we commented on so if you want to take advantage of a jump in Google traffic, following Gonzo's advice will certainly help, but get rid of Verotel if you do nothing else.

As for your other question, Google traffic always goes through cycles with dips and peaks. If they change something in an algorithm it might benefit your site because your SEO works but it can just as easily go the other way the next time they change something. I doubt if there will be a time where everyone experiences some kind of surge all at the same time.
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