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Old 10-26-2007   #7
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Default Re: #1 on Google=sales?

Originally Posted by KevinG View Post
Not only that but it looks unprofessional and I think lots of people would be reluctant to give up their credit card and other personal info.
I wouldnt go that far as to say it looks unprofessional. But again I dont subscribe to the slick designed amatuer pages converting better than a basic design.

However there are a few things I would change.

1. I have to agree. Verotel has always camped out in the grey area of processing. A lot of guys just will not promote them. And I can say in all of these years Ive never got 1 check from them yet I have promoted sites using them in the past.

2. A few leaks. Id drop the link on the tour to the Yahoo group. The value of that traffic has been long gone. It used to be golden - now its a haven for spammers and freeloaders.

Id offer the nightflirt as an upsell after youve got that recurring money. Unless of course shes making more cash off of it than the memberships.

I think id use photoshop to clean up the pics in the about me area... or shoot some newer ones / a touch larger.

I hear an exit console that I have blocked. Not sure what that is popping but I think you will find most everyone has an exit console blocked these days.
Im not sure why all of the girls started using these . . . someone running one of these "friends" network conned them into thinking it recycled their traffic I think. It doesnt all it did was allow them to steal your traffic and bulk the main site up.

I cant get the video to work. Again I hear a popup or exit console. Ok it worked it just took a while to load. Im sure thats a common issue.

Your again diverting sales for a onetime $6 option instead of the possible recurring membership. Id use clips4sale to drive traffic to my website and as an upsale in the members area for someone that wants more. I always try to find a way to take more of their money instead of less.

The video descriptor talks about big tits but the clip is mostly of crotch. I wanna see em! Semi revealing ready to bust out of a top maybe working that toy your talking about in the text . . .

Not sure why you use MasterStats. Its a traffic leak. See if your getting at least as much traffic in as you send out. Otherwise your getting negative traffic flow which was common with all the "trades" that were going on a few years ago. Im sure they dont want me telling you this but its the truth.

Links out. Fuck no. I want to sell them my stuff. Any other option on a tour gives a surfer one less reason to buy.

Watch me link - Youve just given the surfer another reason to buy elsewhere.

The same with the DVD sales link. If you want to have your DVDs truely distributed thru a channel see if you can work a deal with my friend Sinclair. He just posted on the Am board here.

Rude Jill.
Theres a reason that is 646 today in alexa. They have got all of you convinced to send them your hard earned traffic. Do you know who makes money on Rude? They do... selling ads with adbrite.

I hope this helps.

Im not a big believer in building a tour only to give a surfer a reason not to buy. Youve got enough links on there to free porn that takes your nice SE ranking and pumps up sales for everyone but yourself.

Youve got them there to see your girl. The job now is to get the money out of their pocket for YOURSELF. Sell them on YOUR product - dont refer them anywhere else.
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