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Old 08-10-2007   #7
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Default Re: Just an observation for what it's worth...

In the mainstream side of things there are just as many cheats, just as many crooks (I've worked for several of them) and just as many lazy folks looking for the easy buck.

From what I know of the mainstream net and this is probably because it is in reality a much larger population then the adult net, you do not hear as much shit becase the entire community is not as cohesive as the adult side is.

When someone screws you on the adult side of the net it is advertised, sometimes qute loudly, across the boards.

Most of the mainstream boards I frequent actually practice some decorum and frowwn greatly on call outs and such. They do not appreciate the drama at all.

Additionally, there seems to be a lot more clueless folks out there in mainstream land waiting to be ripped off. On some of the mainstream biz boards I frequent, people think running a website means knowing how to put their products into the shopping cart. They are clueless when it comes to html, they hire out almost everything and they get burned quite often. One of the things I have seen is people buying a "package deal". They get the domain, hosting and the site design all from the same person. If that person decides to screw them, they are completely screwed.

On the adult side, webmaster seem to be more independent. Most of us actually know html, know at least some css, know how to install scripts and the actual "mechanics" of building and running a website. we discuss htaccess issues, scripting issues, etc and most folks can actually follow the discussion.

If I do that on the mainstream boards (at least the ones I have visited) the folks there are immediately lost.

On Jen's sites, we used adult techniques. She used the adult tutorials to learn html while I was learning how to build sites. We used single stand alone sales pages, fpas and many of the other "adult" techniques and they for the most part work.

Anyway, I only posted the comments because I have been looking for some mainstream programs for an idea I have and out of about 10 I applied to I only got accepted by 2 and the reasons were the same, I was n't generating enough traffic. Well, duh. The site does not exist It generates NO traffic at this point...

That is something I have rarely had to deal with in adult. I sign up, give them one of my adlt domains as a primary, even if there is no site there yet and voila, approval and access to ad tools and away we go.

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