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Old 07-24-2007   #127
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Default Re: Enough of this Uptowhn kid....

Originally Posted by sarettah View Post
Where was a female treated poorly on this board? Trisha was treated wonderfully, as are most women here.

There are always occasional assholes who will beat on a woman but that is the exception not the norm.

If you were a woman you would have been treated much differently but your posting style, phraseology, etc reveals you to be a dude and that was obvious from the first word you posted, thus you got treated like a guy.
Okay, due to my limited experience here so far, I'll retract a little. But in fairness I'll tell you what led to my impression. First of all, I was not exactly welcomed with warm fuzzies. I don't care to rehash the whole ordeal, but from my perspective, the whole thing was handled poorly. And yes, I accept some, not all the responsibility for that. Still the bottom line, this is what I had to go on in regards to how some of you fellers treat women.

Okay, then soon after, Trish came on board. And while yes, I agree that most of you folks were very nice to her, there were a couple exceptions. One stands out more prominently, but no need to name names.
There are always occasional assholes who will beat on a woman but that is the exception not the norm.
I'll keep this in mind for future reference.

[If you were a woman you would have been treated much differently but your posting style, phraseology, etc reveals you to be a dude and that was obvious from the first word you posted, thus you got treated like a guy.]
Back to school, Columbo! And this line of thinking could be a cause of the problem. You can make all the assumptions you want, but without tangible evidence, you can only look foolish. I don't mean to bag on you so I'll explain a little.

Retail has not always been my career. I have a legal background (No, I will not disclose to what capacity) and have lived and worked with men all my adult life, which may account for my "...posting style, phraseology, etc..." This is more than I wanted to reveal, so I'll stop there and it's more than you need to know.

Take it or leave it. But you're certainly not going to see me prove my gender for the sake of not wanting to be called a "dude". I can assure you, I won't let it ruin my day.

And yet, nobody answered the question; what would be the benefit to cross-gender posting? I feel I'm a pretty smart person, and contrary to popular belief, I'm not a know-it-all. So, I truly don't understand this one and would appreciate some explanation.
Best Regards,

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