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Old 07-18-2007   #23
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Default Re: 50 Most Influencial People in Online Adult

Originally Posted by gonzo View Post
You need to keep up with current events.
Lars has been influencial in the past year as to how to self destruct.

Personally I dont give 2 fucks in hell about pimps and the rest of that wannabe gangster bullshit. Ive made fun of that crap for years. Pimps are certainly not the image I want to project outward from this industry.
Id go as far to say that attitude responsibile for the shape the business is in today.

Here lets take that "pimpology" mindset a bit further.

Spam - 90% of all the older porgrams owe their existance to this and the world views us as responsible for making email virtually unusable for the better part of 2-3 years.

And Im ashamed to say I contributed to that on a very minor level.

Adware/Malware/Ransomware - After spam became too dangerous to use as a revenue stream these fucks took it one step further making browsers useless for the better part of 2 years. Finally the government is stepping in to get this bullshit under control.

Still wanna display your pimp cane as a badge of honor?

And sorry just being first doesnt mean your influencial.

Rick has continued to create revenue streams and his review sites certainly in my book makes him rather influencial for the same reasons as The hun etc.

Outside of KB... I dont buy it.
Serge doesn't know shit from Shinola about business. He made his fortune out of ripping off people. Even ethical drug dealers are worth more than that. Influential or detrimental? I would argue that Serge, Jon and the rest of that pack of thieves actually hurt the business, and in the case of Jon, never even gave him a secure future. Now that sucks.

Edit: Ok Serge and his lawyer wife can now afford good wines, but he and Mike AI still have a background in porn that they will never, ever live down. Once a scammer, always a scammer.
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